"Y/n" I hear being pulled from my thoughts. "It's just a question. Don't let it send you into a spiral." Lizzie says gripping my hand that's on the middle console.

"I'm not sure Liz. I'm sure there are other things I can do with my law degree. I'm just not there yet." I say focusing back on the road. I finally pull into my driveway to see Scarlett's car also in the driveway. I give Lizzie my house keys so she can go inside while I grab her bag. I get her bag from the back seat and make my way up the stairs into the house seeing them pull away from a hug.

"Hey babe" Scar says while pulling me into a hug right after she hugged Lizzie.

"Hey" I say smiling back to Scarlett. We settle on the couch talking about Scars company, skipping over the fact my so sister was there today, how well the movie has been commented about and then falling on the topic of new work.

"So I have Jimmy Fallon and Kimmel tomorrow night to promote the new show I'm doing, then a book meet and greet with little boys and girls for a children's book Robbie and I wrote. Then I fly back to LA the following day. So thanks for letting be crash here" Lizzie spots out listing her to dos out.

"It's not a problem. I'm sad Rose won't see you as she's with Romain in France for the next month. But we will visit when she gets back." Scar says which makes Lizzie smile.

It's been quiet as hell without Rose and she only left last week. The day after the last day of school she stopped by to collect mr. Mauve and we had our good bye hugs. I didn't think it would effect me this hard but it has.

"What about you Scar? Any new scripts you've read." Lizzie asks Scarlett.

"Yeah actually this one by Wes Anderson. It's set in the 50s and seems really quirky and fun but kind of dark. I'm definitely interested." She says to Lizzie.

I lean forward intrigued because it's the first I've heard of her even reading a script. It's mostly just talking or promotions about The Outset.

"That's fun! Wes is an amazing director." Lizzie replies

"Yes he is. Marcel is trying to set a meeting up with him but he is in Italy at the moment. But says he is coming back soon so I'll just have to wait." She says

"Where is filming?" I ask and Scarlett looks kind of surprised, like she forgot I was there for a second.

"Some in LA but mostly Spain." She says and I nod listening to her.

"How long?" I ask and she glances and Lizzie and back at me.

"3 months." She says. And I feel my heart drop.

"Three months" I repeat and she turns to face me. I feel my heartbeat quicken a little. She's going to be gone for three months. And I'm not even working to distract myself. Shit and there's no rose either. Maybe I can find something to do while she's gone but fuck 3 months? I can't be away from her for three months.

The thoughts are sending me right into a panic attack but I quickly stand and run up to my bedroom closing the door behind me. I run into the bathroom opening the shower door and stepping in fully clothed. I didn't notice Scarlett follow me up here and into the bathroom. I barley knew she was with me until I felt her arms snake around me under the cold water fully clothed with me.

"It's okay. Im right here. Your safe" she says into my ear while hugging me tight. The cold water bringing my senses back and made the voices fade also. Her touch is the one that makes them disappear completely and that's when she shoves the wet hoodie over my head to the ground of the shower and turns the warm water on replacing her hands back to small of my back and hugs me tight again.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now