closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the door, wooyoung knew he needed to figure something out or he would not last long within his pack. the solis pack, they had given him a home and shelter when they found him roaming the streets alone, soaked in the rain. at the time he had thought they were a blessing sent by the ancestors, but as time went on he realize what his true purpose was. unlike most packs in the recent days, solis was still stuck in their old ways, treating omegas as if they were trash that they could walk over and do with as they pleased. only those who were claimed, not by their chosen mates, were treated slightly better. 

once you were chosen by an alpha you were to serve him and do as he asks without any questions or any say about what it was. but to be chosen you had to be lucky, it was all about the looks. wooyoung had been there for 5 years and not once had he been looked at twice to be claimed. the omegas that had yet to be claimed were 'loaned' out to the alphas without their own omegas, mainly during their ruts, to please and satisfy their needs. however when the omegas went into their heat, they were told to take care of it themselves, although some alphas within the pack would be more than glad to get their hands on an omega in heat, claiming that that's when they are at their best sexually. 

omegas who were claimed were meant to bare the babies of their alphas, and if you were impregnated without claim, you were seen as a disgrace and would be thrown out or worse the omega and their child would be killed. that was something wooyoung could not have happen. 

not wanting to think any longer, wooyoung moved quickly grabbing the only bag he owned. it was the same torn up bag he had when they had originally found him, and it was falling apart by the minute. but wooyoung had no other option, so he began shoving his clothes carefully into the bag. taking whatever valuable items he had hidden under a loose floorboard and placing them inside with even more care. his movements slowed as his hand reached down and felt the cold metal graze his fingertips. grasping it he pulled out a small silver locket and sighed, his eyes clouded with sadness as he stared at the small item. placing his bag down, the male carefully locked the chain around his neck, letting his hand fall down to touch the heart shaped metal that hung at the end. 

the male was running out of time and he knew it. at any moment someone could call for him and his opportunity would be gone. wooyoung pulled an oversized jacket from his 'closet' as he finished packing whatever would fit in his bag, mainly clothes. the omega had slung the straps of the bag onto his shoulders, pulling on the oversized jacket right after and zipping it up. he had hoped the jacket would conceal the bag on his back, but he had no way to check since there was no mirror in the attic. 

moving quickly, wooyoung exited his room and fled down the stairs to the main door, making sure no one was around for him to get caught. however life was not that nice and just like before a voice called out from where he knew the kitchen was, this time though the voice was softer and he knew exactly who it was. wooyoung shut his eyes closed before turning around with a soft smile on his lips. "kyungminnie~ why are you down here alone?" he asked the small child who was 16 years younger than him. even though he was just a child kyungmin was basically the only friend wooyoung had in the pack. he had been born to one of the alphas about 2 years before wooyoung had joined them. although it would take a few years for kyungmin to present, wooyoung had a feeling he would grow to be an alpha, since even at his age, he would show great strength and care for those around him. maybe that was why kyungmin took such good care of the omega even after being told he shouldn't talk to them. 

"where are you going?" the little one asked, walking out of the kitchen with a box of juice in his hands. wooyoung didn't want to lie but he knew the kid had no idea what was going on within the pack. he did not fully understand the way the hierarchy worked for them so it would be hard to explain the truth to the boy. "ahh i'm going for my walk minnie-ah, you should go back, its quite cold out here in the kitchen, you might get sick" he stated, squatting down and opening his arms for the boy who immediately walked up to him and accepted the embrace. 

tears pricked at wooyoungs eyes as the warmth from the little body enveloped him, he wished he could take the boy with him but he didn't even know where he was going to go once he left. he barely had any money to look after himself so how could he look after them both. letting out a sigh of content, wooyoung released the boy and ushered him and his juice box to the hallway where his and his parents room was located. without a second look, wooyoung walked out of the house, his steps quickening the further out into the territory he walked. when he knew he was out of sight from the main pack house, he dipped off to the side of the path and into the woods. he would have shifted but he wasn't sure if it was safe to in this moment of his pregnancy, so he resorted to traveling on foot. 

the omega was sprinting now, trying to get as far away from the house as his body would allow him to before caving into the tiredness. after what felt like forever of running, the male could feel his body grow tired and he was about to take a rest when a loud voice echoed through the woods and the male panicked looking around himself. the voice of the pack alpha rang through the woods, causing birds to take off and shake the trees around him. the voice was drenched in anger and wooyoung could only imagine what would happen to him if he got caught. 

"no no no no no... please no... " he whispered to himself as he took off again. his thighs were in pain but he had to keep going for his own sake and for his unborn child's sake. the only sound that he could hear was his own heavy breathing and the sound of his footsteps beating against the wet ground. it had begun raining a little bit after he heard the pack leader yell his name, which was helpful in a sense as it would wash away any trace of his scent that he left behind. but it also worked against as it made running even harder, his body felt like it was being weighed down. but he continued running, haphazardly pushing his way through branches and brush. any ounce of skin that had been exposed was pricked and and scraped open by thorns and sharp edges as he ran. 

just as he ran, his mind was also racing. racing with thoughts and swirling with panic. in his head he repeated pleas of being saved and for help as if someone was going to hear his thoughts. it was getting harder to breath, it had felt like the air was being ripped away from his lungs. wooyoung didn't know how long he had been running or how far he had gone. he only thought about the being forming in his stomach and protecting it no matter what it cost him. 

with a lack of air and the pain finally beginning to overwhelm his mind, the male knew he was slowing down, and the pain in his feet began to surface over his thoughts. his vision began to blur and darken around the edges, as he gripped onto what he assumed was a tree to help steady himself and push forward. his feet were dragging through the mud and before he could even try to gather himself, his vision finally blanked, enveloping his mind in darkness as he felt his body go limp. with the strength he had left his arms moved to protect his stomach, curling into himself as the rain washed over him, leaving him cold and soaking. one last plea called out in his mind before everything went blank. 

"help me..." 


2250 words

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