The trip Rito village

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-Third person p.o.v.-

Val and Revali walked in silence towards Rito village. Val had tried to make some conversation, but Revali would just reply with the shortest answer there was.

"You're gonna have to talk to me at some point ya'know." Val said eventually.

"Oh really? And what, may I ask, makes you think that?" Revali replied.

"I like you. You're cool, awesome, clever, cocky, and best of all, you're epic archery skills!" Val said, enthusiastically waving her arms around.

"What are you, a cheerleader?"

"If I look cute in a uniform, sign me up!"

"I'll hold you to that!"

"Go ahead. I already got what I want!"

"Oh yeah? And what would that be?" 

"You to start talking to me."


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The rest of the trip was relatively the same. Revali being Revali, and Val being Val... and Revali's new cheerleader. There was also alot of 'ooh, what's that over there?!?' and 'no, Val, that's a cliff!' but besides that, there was really anything eventful.

Until they got to the village.

By the time the duo got to Rito village, Val had gotten Revali to talk to her without being prompted. However, this confused the Rito. A non-snarky Revali? That's not a thing!

And to a teenager they hadn't seen before too.

As you might have guessed, alot of rumors popped up. 

And I mean alot.

Revali could easily ignore them, after all, rumors came with the title of champion. Val, however, had a harder time dismissing them. The occasional school gossip, sure, but never had Val been the subject of whispering, rumors no less.

Revali seemed to notice how Val had tensed up.

"Just ignore them, it's nothing negative anyway. The Rito are the nicest people you could meet."

This just made Val laugh out loud.

"Ironic!" She managed throw giggles.

"What are you laughing at? What's ironic?"

"You're all like; 'the Rito are the kindest people you could meet!' meanwhile, you're the Rito champion and-" Val cut themself off with another burst of laughter.

"First of all, I said nicest, not kindest. Secondly, I am the nicest person there is!"

"Ha! Yeah sure!"

"I am!"

"Mhm... Anyway, where we going?" Val asked as they climbed the stairs. "I thought you said I should stay at the inn?"

"Oh, uh, yeah the inn is over priced..."

"I heard you Revali!" A Rito said annoyed as she passed them.

"I see what you mean about Rito being nice. Two minutes and you're already fighting with a Rito."

"I was not fighting!"

"Sure... Back to what we were talking about?"

"Right! Well I Uhm..."

"You forgot?"

"The Rito champion doesn't forget such small things as what he was talking about with some girl!"

"For you're information, I am nonbinary. Also, if the inn is so over priced, then where am I staying?"

"I have a spare hammock I can hang up for you."


"That was cute."

"Are you calling me cute?!? You, Mr 'great Rito champion, best archer in all of hyrule' calling me, a nobody from a different multi-verse, cute?!?"

To this Revali just look mortified. 

"Do not, under any circumstance, tell anyone, that I said that." He said, his attempt at being threatening ruined my his own anxiety that someone would find out he said that.

"Oh no, is the great Rito champion scared of some six-teen year old?"

" I do have a reputation you know."

"Oh I know. Why do you think I've been messing with you so much."

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"The sun set is absolutely beautiful." Val said slightly stunned.

"You think this is beautiful, you should see it from Medoh."

"I bet it's perfect from up there."

"Of course it is." Revali said matter-of-factly.

Silence fell for a few moments as Revali thought about offering to take them up to Medoh. However, his questioning was brought to a close as Alice said;

"I hope I can watch it with you up there someday."

Revali opened his beak to speek, but Val, not noticing, kept talking.

"I just hope I get over my fear of heights, haha..."

"Yes... That would be nice..." Revali said crestfallen.

"Well, thank you for showing this to me, but I think I will go to bed. Trying to match you waking speed is tiring. You walk fast... For a bird."

Val started walking up to the Revali's hut next door.

"I am not a bird!"

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Owl here!

🎉120 reads! That's 31 more then last night!🎉

I really though about adding in flustered Revali, but I think that will have to wait till next Val and Revali chapter.

But let's face it, flustered Revali, is best Revali.

Anyways, let me know if there is anything you want to have me work in, I need ideas for the 'trip to death mountain' chapter.

Speeking of chapters, the next will be to gerudo town so get you sunscreen and water ready for the long, hot walk!

Yours randomly,


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