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Third person p.o.v.

"How in the name of Hylia did that get here?!?"

"Quick, get the humans to safety!" 

"Be careful!"

"I can help!"

"No you cant, James."

Chaos filled the scene as a red-maned lynel tried to attack. The lynel was clearly targeting the humans, almost as if it could tell that they shouldn't be there. Or that they were clearly the easiest targets.

"This isn't good..." Val said.

"YOU THINK?!?" Norie yelled back.

As the champions battelled the beast, the humans hid behind the pillars that surrounded the sacred grounds. The lynel started charging to wards one of the champions, who quickly dodged, sending it straight into the pillar behind which Amy was standing.

"AMY!" Norie yelled, diving towards her friend. 

They landed safely away from the pillar as it came crashing down.

"Norie, you know I am very glad you saved me, but did you have to dive on top of me for a second time today?" Amy asked. "Ow..."

"I saved you're life Amy! Not even a "Thank you, Norie, my beloved! I mean, what is this world coming to?" Norie teased.

"Oh, my dearest beloved," Amy started in a mock posh voice. "I am indebted to you! Thank you, thank you, thank you darling!" I simply can not thank you enough my-"

"Alright, alright break it up lovebirds." One of the champions said, dragging them over to the rest of the group.

"Oh, did you defeat the monster?" Amy asked in confusion. 

"Well actually, it killed it self by running head first into a pillar. You know, the one that almost killed you."
"They're not very smart, are they?"

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"Well I think you wrong."

"Clearly. You know we could just ask."


Val and Nora were arguing over Legend of Zelda inventory space. After all, Link only had pockets. 

"Ok, Nora, listion, Link in Breath of the Wild has a huge inventory, but just how much weight is he actually able to carry? Let's find out." Val starts.

"Oh no. Here we go." Norie says.

"Weapons: Link's max weapon inventory is 11 swords, 8 bows, and 16 sheilds. Assuming each weapon weighs around 10 lbs to be comfortably weilded by link, this adds up to 350 lbs. Additionally, he carries his sheikah slate and paraglider at all times which I will say weigh one pound each.

Armor: according to Google the average fabric outfit weighs two pounds, while metal armor weighs fifty pounds. Using this I calculated Link's total armor weight to be around 200 lbs.

Rupees: I'm using a low estimate and assuming rupees are somewhat smaller than their in game icon, possibly similar in size to a real-world ruby. I reasoned that a pound of rupees would be about 100 rupees. With the in game rupee max of 999,999, a full wallet would weigh 10,000 lbs.

Now onto collectable items like food and crafting materials. There are about 150 types of items in BOTW, with each one maxing out at 999. I'm using the weight of an average apple (.33 lbs) as a base weight for regular sized items. Some are heavier, like meat and machine parts, while others are lighter, like bugs and flowers. I'm assuming it averages out. If you take 999 of 150 items at a third of a pound each it works out to roughly 50,000 lbs. There is one item type that is significantly heavier though..." Val trails off to take a breath, then continues.

"Ore: the average piece of ore would weigh around fifty pounds based on my research. There are seven kinds of ore, excluding flint which would be much lighter. Link can hold 999 pieces of each ore type. This works out to 350,000 pounds.

Meals: we'll say that the typical zelda meal would probably weigh a half pound, with some meals like steaks weighing more and others like baked apples weighing less. There are 60 unique meal slots and link can carry 999 for each meal. This would work out to 30,000 pounds of meals.

Carried objects: finally we have the weight Link can carry in-game outside of his inventory, such as boulders, ice cubes or bombs carried above his head. Based on Link's general build and the fact that we see him carrying relatively large rocks, I'll say he can lift about 100 pounds above his head, which is pretty normal for a fit and healthy male.

Now we add everything up: 352 + 200 + 10,000 + 50,000 + 350,000 + 30,000 + 100

The total comes out to 440,652. An object of comparable weight is the Statue of Liberty, weighing in at 450,000 lbs according to nyctrip.com. If Link is still able to run and jump while carrying his 440,000 pound inventory, it's not unreasonable to assume he could take on Lady Liberty's extra 10,000 pounds with relative ease. This is of course assuming he wasn't already carrying everything else in his inventory at the same time and was completely naked.

Bonus: a Famitsu article determined that Link weighed as much as 8.5 apples, which would work out to about three pounds. This means Link can carry 150,000 times his body weight, surpassing the real world record holder for strength relative to body mass by almost tenfold." 

"Val, even with you're... strong obsessions, that's ALOT. I'm almost out of breath just listening to you talk... To be honest, it almost sounds like an web article that someone copied and pasted for some okay fanfic they were writing." Amy said.

"Who is "Lady Liberty"?" The princess asked from behind them.

"O-oh I didn't realize someone was listening..." Val said hesitantly.

"Someone is always listening, Val." Jake said from in front.

"What the hell? Could everyone hear our conversation!?"  

"Pretty much!" The princess said.

"Eavesdrop much?" Norie muttered.

"What Norie means is: That Lady Liberty is a famous statue in our world. It's massive too, like, Hyrule Castle big." Val said.

"If not bigger." Nora added. "After all, it is 151 feet 1 inch (46 metres) high and weights 225 tons, and had to be disassembled and shipped to New York City."

"Now who's looking talking..." Val muttered.

"So Link, how much can you carry?" 


"Ahh, I forgot how quiet you choose to be." 

"Val, I don't think he can talk at all." Norie muttered in Val's ear.

"We can debate this later." Val replied. 

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Hola everyone! OwlhouseHylian here! How is it so far? What should I change? 

Any advice on how to wrong Urbosa, Daruk, Revali and Mipha? I want to wright at least one section from their point of view. 

If you had any tips, comment here. <3 


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