Zora's Domain

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Quick author's note; I made the photo above and was hoping for some feed back! It's me with Mipha, but also works for Amy Darkwood. Anyways, on with the story!

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Third person p.o.v.

"So exactly how long does it take you usually to get to Zora's Domain?" Amy ask slightly out of breath from the hill they were walking up.

"For me, about six to eight hours. With you however, the trip should take roughly a day and a half, maybe two days, depending on how many stops we make." Mipha replied.

"Wow, sounds like you're faster them you seem." Amy said breathlessly.

"Being a Zora, I am much faster in the water then on land. The river is also a much straighter route then this path."

"Ah, of course... Kinda like... A tur...tle" Amy said through heavey breathes.

"What's a turtle?" Mipha asked.

"You don't have turtles in Hyrule?!?"

"No we don't... So what are they exactly?"

"They're these green cute sea creatures -I actually have them as my spirit animal- they have these hard shells are their backs, and this cute little flipper-like arm and legs!"

"They sound similar to tortoises." Mipha said thoughtfully.

"You... Have tortoises... But not... Turtles?" 

"Oh yes, tortoises live down near hateno beach and lurlen village."

" H-huh... Where I'm fr-from... We have... Both... Of... Them." Amy said, full on panting like a dog in the heat.

"Oh, sorry Amy, let's stop here for a few minutes, to regain our breath." Mipha said with even a trace of out-of-breathy-ness.

"You mean for me to catch my breath. You seem perfectly fine. You like a water fish-person goddess." Amy said.

To which Mipha just stood there for a second trying to think of a good awnser.

The rest of the trip went on like this until they reached a bend between Oren bridge, and Tito's crossing, where they were met with a trio of black moblins.

"Stay here Amy." Mipha whispered. 

"I wanna help." Amy replied enthusiastically whispering back.

"No, Amy. I can't let you help." Mipha whispered firmly.

Turning back she hissed upon noticing a moblin missing. She turned back to whisper something to Amy, then realized that she was missing too.

"For the love of Naydra..." Mipha whispered exasperatedly.

Mipha sneeked up and sneek-striked one moblin with her light scale trident, killing it in one. In doing so however, she alerted the second one. Not that it mattered, any kind of moblin was easy now that she was pushing her self way beyond her limits daily. 

After taking out the two black moblins, she started looking for Amy. She quickly spotted her just beyond the trees and started running towards her.

Sure enough, there was Amy, and so was the moblin.

"Amy! Watch out!" Mipha yelled. She ran towards the beast and started attacking.

"Mipha, no! Watch out!" Amy yelled, as the moblin started swinging it's club. 

The club hit Mipha sending her flying into Amy. Mipha tried to get up, but Amy stopped her, and tried to take her trident.

"No Amy." Mipha said firmly.


The two had a tug of war with the weapon before the moblin's shadow was right above them. It started swinging it's club down towards the two girls. As it did so Mipha quickly pushed Amy out of the way.

It hit Mipha. 



Wait- you thought Mipha would stop just because she's badly ingured? What rock have you been living under?

No, Mipha didn't stop fighting. Infact, she used the last of her strength the throw her trident at the moblin.


Let me guess, you think the moblin is going to stop too? Well, you're actually right... Good guess!

Anyways, the moblin fell over and disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke.

"Can you pass me my trident." Mipha said.

"Mipha I am really-" Amy began.

"Amy, please just pass my trident."

"Yes mi'lady."

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Mipha and Amy were sitting on a rock next to Ruto's crossing while Mipha healed herself.

"Amy, are you sure you don't need me to heal you?"

"I'm fine, Lady Mipha, just a few scratches."

"Ok then."


"Mipha, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to get you hurt."

"I'm not mad at you. I find it hard to think of what to say when I'm hurt this bad. I owe you an apology for being so short with you." Mipha said in her soft voice. "I understand that being around the princess and the other champions makes for feel like you have something to prove. I felt that way at first, but soon they helped me realize that just by willing to take all these risks and chances for the good of all Hyrule, I was worthy of being with them. Even if I already knew that deep down, there was always, and might always be a part that says I'm not as good as them."

There was three seconds of silence then the two girls burts into laughter.

"I kinda got monologuing there, huh?"

"You really did Miph."

"Miph?" Mipha asked confused.

"Oh, sorry. Back in our world, Norie would call you that sometimes..." Amy said wistfully. "I wonder how the others are doing..."

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Owl hereeee.

Elephant in the room, I got my first follower! And with one more read we hit 90 reads!

I know that might not be all that impressiveto most, however I never expected to get any reads, so this is big for me haha...hah.. ha.



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