Ch. 5 *Looking For A Job*

Start from the beginning

"Okay, let's go."
"You didn't get anything?" She asks, and I shake my head.
"Crappy selections," I say, walking forward. I wouldn't have looked back at that comic store again if it wasn't for Mom saying...

"That one boy is staring at you."

Instinct has me looking over my shoulder, and I see Alan leaning against the wall, smirking a little at me before his brother Edgar rolls his eyes and grabs Alan's arm to pull him away.
Ugh...I just wait to get as far away as possible.


Mom and I walked around for about a half an hour afterwards, until I suddenly saw a Help Wanted sign for a video store.

I walk inside, and I'm hit with a ton of DVDs, VHS's, and TVs playing in the back.
There's only one girl working behind the counter, but...whose the manager?
I almost approach her to ask, but before I can someone comes up behind me.

"Can I help you?"

I turn around to see a middle aged man with glasses and brown hair, smiling down at me.
"Oh, um, I'm just looking for the manager," I reply, and he smiles even more.

"Well, here I am. Anything I can help you with?"
"I saw your sign outside for a job, and I was wondering if you're still looking for an employee," I say, but he makes a sound in the back of his throat.

"I'm sorry, I just gave the job to someone else yesterday."
"Oh..." I mumble, the disappointment noticeably in my tone.
"... but," he begins to say, "if I have any other positions that open, you'll be the first to know, okay?"

"Alright, thank you."
I walk back outside and shake my head at Mom.
She sighs under her breath. "Well, at least we tried hun."
"Yeah," I exhale, very disappointed and annoyed that it's so hard for me to get a job in this town. "The manager said that if any positions suddenly open up, he'll be the first to call me."

"That's nice of him," Mom mumbles, but she's not paying much attention, she's looking around at all the stores and booths, selling little trinkets or just food.
"Should we head home?'

"Yeah okay," I reply, letting my shoulders slump forward slightly.
She taps my back lovingly. "Don't stress over it Luna. You'll get one soon."
I don't say anything back, and we walk in silence towards the exit.

It got dark fast...we arrived at the boardwalk after we had dinner, and we've been wandering around for about two hours now. It has to be, what? Like 9:00 at night?
Jeez...time flew by fast.

We almost reach the exit, but before we can leave a group of four guys rush in. Well, two of them are making fools of themselves, whereas the other two walk calmly, without a single expression on their face.

I can't help but stare at all of them.
Their outfits are...well, interesting. Each one has there own different style with a single earring dangling off there ears.

One of them has platinum blond, spiky hair, and he wears a long black coat with black gloves. The one walking beside him has long black hair, tan skin, and he wears a jacket with no shirt underneath.

And then there's the other two, who are acting very childish.
One of them resembles Twisted Sister...with the crazy hair, white stained pants, black coat.
And the other one...

I stare at him.
He's got curly blond hair that's short on the top, but long in the back. He wears a jacket that's insanely covered in patches, and he has a Chesire cat like smile that screams a little dangerous, yet playful.

Well...what an interesting group.

The platinum blond glances at me, staring back.
I don't know why, but when his eyes met mine, I got a very very bad feeling in the depths of my chest.

My stomach twists into knots.

He laughs under his breath, shrugging away and disappearing into a crowd with the other three.
"...Luna? Luna honey?" Mom places her hand on her shoulder. "It's time to go."

"Huh?" I glance at her, before realizing that I'm standing in the middle of the exit with a blank expression on my face.
Quickly, I run to our car and get in the passenger side, sinking low into my seat.

So far, I've lived here a week, and already I'm beginning to get some very creepy vibes from Santa Carla

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