A New Chapter

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I was packing my stuff to move in with Theseus, my boyfriend.

I had been visiting Theseus for dinner for a few weeks when he asked me,"Do you want to go to dinner together?"
I smiled, "Sure."

We had gone to a Muggle restaurant. I had worn a green dress.
"You look nice," he said.

"Thank you, you look nice too," I said.

We had sat down by the table.
"I've never been to a Muggle restaurant," he said.
"Oh it's quite similar to wizard ones really," I said, "Just without the magic."

I was packing some old pictures of mine, I found one of my parents.

We had ordered food and we were talking together.
"How did your parents react when they found out you were a witch?" Theseus asked.

"Well, it wasn't the best reaction," I replied, "they pretended I didn't exist for quite some time."

"I'm sorry," he said.
"You don't have to be," I smiled.

We ended the dinner on a good note, Theseus escorted me home.
"We should do that again some time," I said.
"I liked it too," he smiled.

I noticed his eyes looking into mine. His chestnut brown eyes. I had never noticed them before. They were so intricate and detailed.

He placed his hand onto my cheek and moved closer to me, closing the gap between us with his lips.

I kissed back, surprised. We then stopped.
"Sorry," Theseus said, "I should have asked."
I kissed his cheek, "Good night, Theseus."

"Good night, Anna," he replied.

I had packed all of my stuff so I disapparated to Theo's home.

"Hello, darling," he smiled, kissing me.
"Hello," I smiled back.

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