Central Park Zoo

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TW: Mild swearing

We had apparated to Central Park Zoo and I noticed animals walking around.

I could hear that the erumpent was there as well.

"Jacob, you'll need to put this on," Newt said and gave him some protective gear.
"What do I need this for?" he asked.
"It's so you don't die, but don't worry, just follow our instructions," Newt said.

"Don't worry? It's a flipping rhino for god's sake!" Jacob shouted.
"Well my philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice," Newt said.

"It was actually my philosophy," I whispered.

We walked closer to the hole in the wall. The erumpent was standing there, close to a hippo. She started to growl.

"She's in season, she needs to mate," Newt said.
He started to put some erumpent musk on himself.
"Erumpent musk, she's mad for it," he said.

"Be careful," I said.
He nodded at me.
"Keep the case open," Newt said.

I was stood with the case open to catch her. Newt began to walk closer towards her. He started doing the mating dance.

I always found it to be pretty funny so I tried to suppress my laughter.

The erumpent turned to face us and Newt continued. It started moving closer and closer towards the case.

"Good girl," I said.
"Come on, into the case," Newt said.

Suddenly, she stopped and was moving in a different direction, towards Jacob. I looked over at Newt, he must have put some erumpent musk on himself.

Jacob started running and screaming as the erumpent followed him. He started running across the ice. Newt grabbed the case and we followed them.

"Reparo," Newt said but a monkey grabbed his wand, "Merlin's beard."
I quickly grabbed my wand and muttered, "Reparo."

"Follow the erumpent," he said.
I followed them while Newt followed the monkey.

Finally, I reached them. I noticed Jacob hanging from a tree while the erumpent was underneath.
"Newt, Anna!" he screamed.

"Jacob, you'll be fine, just stay calm, Newt has the case, he'll be here soon," I said.
"How can I be calm when this rhino is trying to kill me?" he shouted.

I noticed that the erumpent struck her horn into the tree.
"Sh*t," I muttered.

The tree fell and Jacob began to run.
"Newt," I said when I noticed him.
They had ran onto the ice. I grabbed his hand and apparated onto the ice.

Newt opened the case and they slid on the ice. Then, he closed it.

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