The Fire

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"Protego diabolica," Grindelwald muttered, a circle of blue fire was drawn.

His followers walked through the flames, disapparating after doing so. One of the followers hesitated but then decided to run into the fire, the flames consumed him.

I gasped.

"Aurors, join me in this circle, pledge to me your allegiance, or die," he told us, "Only here shall you know freedom, only here shall you know yourself."

He sent flames at us, we moved upwards.

"Play by the rules! No cheating children."

I noticed Credence looking at Grindelwald. His friend was pulling him away.

"He knows who I am," Credence said.
"He knows what you were born as, not who you are," his friend told him.

"Credence!" Newt shouted.

We tried to fight the fire, but it became more monstrous. Credence walked through the fire to Grindelwald. Grindelwald embraced him.

"This has all been for you, Credence," he told him.

I suddenly heard Queenie scream.

"Walk with me!"

"No, Queenie, don't do it!" Jacob screamed.

She ignored him and walked through the fire, screaming but finally reaching Grindelwald. Why did she do this?

Then she disapparated.

"Queenie!" Tina shouted.

Tina began to throw curses at him, but by each curse, the fire lashed out even more.

Some Aurors began to run through the fire, being consumed by it.

He then looked at us, "Mr Scamander, Miss Booth, do you think Dumbledore will mourn for you?"

He then threw a large burst of fire at us, we began to defend ourselves.

"Grindelwald! Stop!" I heard Leta shout.

He looked at her.

"Leta," Theseus whispered.

"This one I believe I know," Grindelwald said.

We continued to fight the flames, determined to survive.

He moved towards her, "Leta Lestrange, despised entirely amongst wizards, unloved, mistreated, get brave. So brave, time to come home."

What was she doing?

He stretched out his hand, she grasped it. She looked in our direction.

"I love you," she said to Theseus and Newt, maybe to me as well.

I watched as she raised her wand, making the skull explode.

"Go! Go!" She shouted.

The fire engulfed her.

"No!" Theseus shouted.

Leta was dead. She couldn't be. No. My childhood friend.

"We have to go!" Newt shouted, taking hold of my hand and Theseus' and disapparating.

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