Percival Graves

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We got sent to a room, Tina and I stood up while Newt was sat down with Graves sat on the other end.

"You're an interesting man, Mr.Scamander," he said.
I gulped. I knew what he was going to say.

"Mr.Graves," Tina said in an attempt to defend Newt but the damage was already done.

"You got thrown out of Hogwarts for endangering human life," he continued.
I knew he shouldn't have took the blame. Now it was going to bite him in the back.

"That was an accident," Newt said.
"With a beast," Graves said, "Yet one of your teachers argued strongly against your expulsion, now what makes Albus Dumbledore so fond of you?"

"I really couldn't say," Newt whispered.
"So setting a pack of dangerous creatures loose here was just another accident, is that right?" Graves asked.

"Well, I didn't do it deliberately," Newt whispered.
"To expose wizard kind," Graves said, "Provoke a war between the magical and non-magical worlds."

I felt hopeless. Graves was twisting Newt's words to make him seem like a criminal. There was nothing we could do.

"Mass slaughter for the greater good, you mean?" Newt asked.
Merlin's beard. What is he doing? He was sounding like Grindelwald.

"Yes, quite right," Graves said.
"I'm not one of Grindelwald's fanatics, Mr.Graves," Newt said.

"I wonder what you can tell me about this, Mr.Scamander," Graves said.
Suddenly, an Obscurus was shown. I gasped.

"That's an Obscurus but it's not what it looks like, we managed to separate it from the Sudanese girl to try to save her," Newt explained to Tina.

"We tried to study it, it cannot survive and it can't hurt anyone," I continued to try to help Newt.
"So it's useless without the host," Graves said.

"Useless? Useless? That is a parasitical magical force that killed a child, wouldn't know what you use it for," Newt said.

"You fool nobody Mr.Scamander, you brought this Obscurus into the city of New York in the hopes of causing mass disruption and breaking the statue of secrecy revealing the magical world," Graves said.

I was about to lunge at him. That Obscurus couldn't hurt a thing, it didn't have a host.

"You know that can't hurt anyone, you know that," I said.

"Mr.Scamander, you are therefore guilty of a treasonous betrayal of your fellow wizards and are sentenced to death," Graves said.
I gasped. No. He can't die. He was one of my only friends.

"Miss Booth and Miss Goldstein who have aided and abetted you," Graves said.
I gulped. What was going to happen?

"They've done nothing of the crime," Newt said.
I looked at Newt. Of course I was. I went with him on this whole journey.

"They recieve the same sentence," he said.

I felt like I was on a rollercoaster. First I find out that Newt was going to die and then I find out that I'm also going to die. I was going through a whirlwind of emotions, my hearing and sight fading a bit.

Tina started crying. I tried to hold in my emotions. I knew this interrogation wasn't going to end well.

"Just do it immediately," Graves said.
I was shocked. They would normally give us a few days.
"I will inform President Picquery myself," he said and then shushed Newt who was about to speak to us, "Please."

Tina started to sob. Silent tears fell down my cheeks. I couldn't even say goodbye to my parents. How were they going to find out? They were muggles, they didn't know how the wizarding world worked.

As we got taken to get executed, my tears began to worsen as I thought of my parents and how I would never get to say goodbye.

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