Macy's Department Store

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We had disapparated to 5th Avenue.
"I think I know what department store," Tina said and we followed her to Macy's, the biggest store in New York.

We looked through the window and a bag had been taken off a mannequin and was floating around. It must have been the demiguise.

We hid as we continued to watch through the window as the bag moved.

"Demiguises are fundamentally peaceful, they can give a nasty nip if we attack," Newt said.

The demiguise had revealed itself and was looking over the counter.

"He's here, head that way," Newt instructed, "And try very hard not to be predictable."

Queenie and Jacob headed inside the store.

A roar had sounded.
"Is that the demiguise?" Tina asked.
"No, I think that might be the reason the demiguise is here," I answered.

We also headed inside and walked closer to the demiguise. It ran away, climbing up the curtain.

We followed the demiguise slowly.

"The demiguise operates on probability, it can foresee the most likely immediate future," Newt explained.

"What's it doing?" Tina asked.
"He's babysitting," I gasped, we must have lost the occamy as well.

"What did you just say?" she asked.
"This is my fault," Newt said, "I thought I had them all but we must have miscounted."

He walked closer to the demiguise and opened his case.

"He's babysitting that?" Tina asked referring to the giant occamy.

The occamy slithered and came towards the light and the demiguise gave it some food.

I smiled at the sweet gesture.

"Occamies are quite different, you see? They grow to fill the space they are in," Newt said.

The occamy reached towards Newt.
"Mummy's here," he whispered.

Queenie and Jacob had come and walked towards the occamy. Suddenly, Queenie had touched a metal ball.

The occamy shrieked and started filling up the whole room. Shelves were falling, I quickly ducked to not get hit by the falling furniture.

"We need an insect!" Newt shouted.
"What?" Queenie asked.
"An insect and some sort of teapot," he repeated, I instantly knew what he wanted to do.

"Find a teapot!" he shouted.

The occamy was knocking down everything, it was hard to find an insect and a teapot. It also started to knock down the building.

Suddenly, we had all spotted an insect and we were trying to reach it but the occamy was moving so quickly, it was hard to grab it.

Then Jacob grabbed the insect.
"Teapot!" Tina shouted as I had found a teapot.

The occamy had then stopped moving, it had seen the insect Jacob was holding.

Jacob trembled as he was being squeezed by the occamy.

He then threw the insect, the occamy began to move as I quickly ran with the teapot to get the insect in.

The occamy then shape - shifted to get inside the teapot and Newt grabbed a lid to capture it.

"This was easy," Newt panted, "Occamies shrink when they have a small space."
"Tell me the truth," Tina said, "Was that everything that came out of the case?"

"That's everything," Newt replied, "And that's the truth."

Battle Against Grindelwald Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora