Finding Tina

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We had apparated to a street in Paris. Jacob had screamed on the way and kept complaining.

"I don't like that portkey," Jacob said.
"So you keep saying, follow me," Newt said.

We walked up some steps next to a statue.
"Confundus," Newt muttered towards the guard.

We walked inside the statue, Jacob was still outside.
"Come on," I said.
"We're off in a few minutes," Newt told us.

We had apparated to another street.

We followed Newt to the centre of a market place. Newt then blowed some gold dust around him.

He got his Niffler out of his case.
"Come on, get looking," he told the Niffler.

"That's a Kappa," I said seeing a creature form from the dust.
"It's a Japanese water demon," Newt explained to Jacob.

I wondered why a Japanese magical creature was wandering around Paris.

"Tina," Newt said spotting her in the gold dust, "Tina!"

The niffler was sniffing the ground.
"What have you found?" Newt asked.

Newt started licking the ground.
"And we're licking the dirt now," Jacob said.
"This is Newt we're talking about," I said.

He turned his wand into an ear trumpet.
"Revelio," he muttered.

A Zouwu appeared in the gold dust.

"What is that?" Jacob asked.
"It's a Zouwu," I replied.

"It's a Chinese creature, they are incredibly fast and incredibly powerful, they can travel a thousand miles in a day," Newt explained, "It could take you from one part of Paris to the next in a single beat."

The niffler started rolling around in the dust, there were footprints there.

"Tina was here, Tina stood here," Newt said, "She has incredibly narrow feet, have you noticed?"
"Not really," I smiled, Newt was smitten with her.
"Can't say that I have," Jacob said.

"Someone came towards her," he said noticing a man behind him.
A feather dropped from the man's hat.

Newt sniffed it and threw it in the air.
"We need to follow that feather," Newt said.

"Come on, Jacob," I said and we followed it.

Newt had caught on to us but we had to run as the feather was moving in all directions.

"Drop the bucket," Newt said as Jacob was still holding the bucket.

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