Corvus Lestrange

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"My little sister?" Kama asked.
"So he's your brother," Credence said.

Credence was here and a woman was with him too.

"Who am I?" Credence asked.
"I don't know," Leta replied.

"I'm tired of living with no name and no history," he said, "Just tell me my story and then you can end it."

"Your story is our story," Yusuf said.
"No, Yusuf," Leta said.

We walked through the corridors of the tomb.

"My father was Mustafa Kama," Yusuf explained, "Pure blood of Senegalese descent and most accomplished and my mother, Laurena was equally highbred, a noted beauty."

Kama explained how Mr.Lestrange abducted and seduced his mother using the Imperius Curse.

"She died giving birth to a little girl," he said, gesturing to Leta, "You."

"During his last breath, he seeked revenge," he continued, "he wanted me to kill the person Lestrange loved most in the world. I thought at first it would be easy."

"You," he said, gesturing to Leta, "But he..."
"Say it," Leta said.

"He never loved you," he said.

Kama explained more that Lestrange remarried three months after his death and had a son named Corvus.

"So this is the truth?" Credence asked, "I'm Corvus Lestrange."

"Yes," Kama said.
"No!" Leta shouted.

"Realising that Mustafa Kama's son sought revenge, your father sought to hide you where I couldn't find you," he explained, "So he confided you to his servant, who boarded a ship for America."

"He did send Corvus to America but -" Leta tried to say but Yusuf continued.

"His servant, Irma Dugard, was a half-elf, her magic was weak and therefore left no trace I could follow, I only now just discovered how you had escaped when I found out that the ship had gone down at sea, but you survived didn't you? Someone had pulled you from the water, I pity you, Corvus but you must die."

"Corvus Lestrange is already dead! I killed him!" Leta cried out, "Accio."

I looked at her in sadness. I could tell she felt guilty.

A box was pulled.

"My father owned a very strange family tree, only the men were recorded while the women were recorded as flowers," she explained.

She explained how Corvus wouldn't stop crying on the ship so she switched him with another baby, the ship was sinking and Corvus went down at sea.

"You didn't mean to do it, Leta," Newt said, "It wasn't your fault."
"He's right, you couldn't have known," I said.

She turned and looked at both of us, "You never met a monster you couldn't love."

"Leta, do you know who Credence really is?" Tina asked, "Did you know when you swapped them?"
"No," she replied.

The tomb's door opened.

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