Chapter Nine

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Michael opened his mouth to scream, but all that came out was a terrified gasp. His heart was pounding so hard, it felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. His entire body felt like it was overtaken by the same icy sensation that the girl grabbing his arm had given him.

The sound continued, growing louder the closer it became. It remained as eerily low and soft, but increased in volume, like nails on chalkboard. Michael felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise as he sensed that the noise was right behind him. Inches away from his feet on the train floor...

And then, he sprang into action. A terrified cry escaped his mouth as he stumbled forward. He almost went sprawling onto the train, but instead burst into his carriage. As soon as he did, the noise seemed to stop. But Michael's pounding heart didn't even slow down. His eyes drew across his slumbering family. They looked so peaceful, free of the terror and shock that he was feeling.

He slumped into the seat next to Akira. Usually, he would've dreaded sitting next to his annoying half sister, but now he was desperate to have any company by his side. He even put his arm around her, feeling comforted by her warm presence. She stirred slightly, shifting to the left as she unintentionally leaned against him.

Michael could feel her heartbeat against his chest, much more normal than his own racing heart. Terror still consumed him, but his sister's presence calmed him down slightly. Then he jumped as she stirred some more, blinking and yawning a few times.

Usually, Michael would've pushed her away, but he was too scared by what he had heard to worry about her reaction when she woke up. He watched as she drew an arm over her face, pushing her dark hair out of the way while blinking wearily. Then, her dark eyes widened as she noticed her brother.

"Michael?" Her voice was a whisper. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing," Michael replied, trying to force his heartbeat to calm down. He barely had time to process what he had heard – he wasn't sure he wanted to. He wanted to forget all about it.

Thankfully, Akira was too sleepy to ask too many questions. She yawned again and rubbed her face and sleep-mussed hair with the back of her hand. "Are we there yet?"

"Uh... I'm not sure," Michael replied. He was almost glad she had woken up. He was grateful for something else to focus on, to take his mind off the terrifying noise he had heard.

While Akira was regaining her wakefulness, Michael tensed as he heard footsteps in the distance. His heart started pounding again. He put his arm around Akira, drawing her close to him.

"Hey! Get off me," she protested, shoving him away. Then she pinched his arm.

That definitely hurt, Michael thought, closing his eyes. So this isn't all a dream...

That was the only logical explanation he could think of. It was very logical, he thought. He had heard the same eerie noise in his dreams – well, it had sounded slightly different, but still. It was just that spooky story creeping him out and making him imagine things.

But at the same time, he knew it wasn't a dream, no matter how much he tried to convince himself. It felt too real. His pounding heart, erratic breathing, the chills on the back of his spine... and that noise. No dream could make a sound so vivid, so terrifying.

And now, there were footsteps, becoming louder as they approached the carriage. They weren't as terrifying as the noise from before – at least it was a sound an actual human could make. But it still made his hair stand on end. He ignored his sister's protests and drew her closer to him.

Then he relaxed as he saw the source of the footsteps. It was Riku.

"Riku..." Michael choked out.

Akira rolled her eyes. "Oh, it's just your dumb friend."

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