Chapter Six

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When Michael's eyes shot open, he saw darkness.

He could feel Riku's presence next to him. He gazed past him at the window, and was surprised to see blackness outside. It was later at night now. The train had slowed slightly, but it was too dark to see anything but the night sky. He glanced around the compartment and saw his parents and half sister asleep. His father had his arm around his wife's shoulders, and his sister had her long black hair falling over her face. The overhead lights had been turned off, so he could only just make them out. Without their muttering and teasing, the carriage was oddly silent.

How long have I been on this train? Michael thought.

He jumped as he spotted Riku's head shift. He had assumed that he was asleep. He almost jumped out of his skin as the other boy turned to him with a grin.

"So you're finally awake," he said. "I kept trying to wake you, but you're a heavy sleeper. And I didn't want to wake up the other passengers in the carriage too."

"How long have we been traveling?" Michael blurted out. He tried to gaze out the window, but Riku leaned forward, blocking his view.

"A fair amount of time," Riku admitted. "But there's still a good amount before we arrive at Minato City. I kind of need to go to the bathroom."

Michael watched as Riku got to his feet and walked out of his seat. As he began to make his way down the aisle, he called out to him.

"Hey – cut it out," Michael called uncertainly. "We're not allowed to leave our seats, remember?"

"Don't be such a baby." Riku turned to glance at him. "Hey – you should come with me."

"Why would I?" Michael demanded.

"I figured you might need to go to the bathroom as well," Riku claimed, gripping to the top of the headrests.

"Well, I don't," Michael insisted.

"Come with me," Riku insisted, his eyes wide and playful in the darkness. "I want to check out the train." 

"Come on! Don't be such a chicken." Riku reached over and flicked Michael's nose. He raised a hand to his face, glaring at him. "Everyone is probably asleep right now. They won't even notice."

"What about Kenji and Sakura?" Michael asked.

Riku shrugged. "They're probably still boring each other with lame ghost stories. But if you're so curious, why don't we check out if they're awake?"

Michael shuddered. He could still hear the eerie scurrying sounds from his dreams repeating in his ears.

"My father told me to stay here," he insisted, slumping further into his seat. "He said I shouldn't be wandering around."

Riku scoffed. "And you really want to listen to him? He was such a jerk to you."

"He's not that bad," Michael argued. "We haven't seen each other often, so he's a little short with me. It's my first time joining him in Japan—"

"That doesn't mean he can be such a jerk," Riku insisted. "My dad's the same way. I bet he treats your sister nicer just because she looks more like him."

"Well... yeah," Michael admitted. "And he's always snapping at me. He wouldn't be happy if I left. Probably bite my head off again," he added in a bitter tone.

"Do you really care what he thinks?" Riku demanded. "Prove you're not a wuss. Come join me."

Michael glanced at his slumbering family, and then at Riku. "I still don't think it's a good idea."

"Fine. Suit yourself," Riku shrugged as he started walking out of the carriage. "I thought you were cool. But I guess you're like all Hafu. Too much of a coward."

Michael stayed still in his seat as Riku started walking out. He wondered who he wanted to please more – his father, or possibly his first friend in this country?

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