Chapter Two

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"It was really nice of those children to help you locate us after you got lost," Mrs. Miyamoto said, fiddling with her travel bag as she placed it on the bench of the train station.

"Yeah. Really nice," Michael agreed as he took a seat. "I started to panic for a moment – especially after that joke they pulled on me." And all the following ones, he thought glumly.

Mr. Miyamoto frowned at him. "You can't wander off like that, Michael. I was beginning to worry. You could've gotten hopelessly lost."

"I'm sorry," Michael apologized. He was about to add Dad on instinct, but decided against it. It didn't feel right calling him anything.

"You're really dumb," Akira teased. "You thought you could go faster than us, but you just got lost!"

"Well, forget about that now," Mrs. Miyamoto insisted, pulling her wallet out of her bag and checking her money. "We're going to board the train soon. And it'll take us straight to Tokyo Tower."

"Oh, wait until you see the train," Mr. Miyamoto added, his eyes shining. "They call it a bullet train. It goes incredibly fast – you won't believe it. The fastest train in Japan."

It was the most excited that Michael had seen his father. He was excited as well. "A bullet train?" he asked.

Mr. Miyamoto nodded. "It's called the shinkansen. Rumor has it that it travels at the speed of light. And not only that, but I'm fairly sure we're the only booking."

"What? You're joking!" Mrs. Miyamoto exclaimed. "We can't be the only ones on the train. It's supposed to hold hundreds of passengers."

"I could be mistaken," Mr. Miyamoto admitted. "But the carriage we booked doesn't contain any other passengers. It'll at least be less crowded than a usual shinkansen. That's a positive, isn't it? I despise having people crowded around when I'm taking the bus around Tokyo."

"It was also amazingly cheap," Mrs. Miyamoto added. "I can't believe it barely cost you a thing. It's supposed to be the fastest train in Japan."

"I think that's just because they're desperate for passengers," Mr. Miyamoto suggested.

"Is it really the fastest train in Japan?" Michael asked excitedly.

Mr. Miyamoto nodded. "It can go up to 320 kilometres per hour."

"Woah," Michael awed. "That's... that's amazing!"

"Not as amazing as its length," Mr. Miyamoto started. "It's up to 400 metres long."

"No way!" Michael exclaimed. "And we really have the whole thing to ourselves?"

"Not necessarily," Mr. Miyamoto reminded. "There could be other passengers. But it'll be strange to see not many in such a huge train."

Akira groaned as her father started explaining the finer details of the train while Michael listened in rapt attention. "This is so boring. Who cares exactly how the train works? I just want to get to Tokyo Tower."

"Be quiet," Mr. Miyamoto scolded. "As I was saying—"

Just as he began explaining the narrowed, aerodynamic front of the train, a man from the station building came charging towards them. His eyes were wide and filled with panic, his face contorted into a terrified expression.

Michael jumped backwards in surprise, along with Akira. Mr. Miyamoto was slightly surprised, staring at the station attendant. Then, he opened his mouth and cried out a warning.

"Be careful! Be careful!"

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