Chapter 19 - Lenny

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"So, that's it?" Shelby said, sporting aviator glasses and a comically large helmet. Neither did much to hide his broken nose.

"Yeah," Katherine replied. "I guess so."

Lon had brought disguises for them. High-collar jackets, scarfs, shades. Everything but fake mustaches. The plan originally had been to make their way towards the church, then meet up at the Nunes cafe, dressed as soldiers. That was before Gavin disappeared and Ritter wised up. She must have figured out how to slip into the crowd, maybe escape this city. Shelby suspected she was as desperate as the rest.

"You're aware this plan needs you?" Shelby lied. Truth be told, the more of them traveling together, the easier it was to spot them. But he was tired of losing friends. Scared of the thought of being on his own again. She smiled, and he knew she had called his bluff.

"I appreciate that, but this isn't my fight."

"You fought it back at the 5th."

"Well," she said. "That was different... And see where that got us."

"So you chose wrong?"

"That's not what I'm saying."

"Sounds like it is."

"Shelby." She placed her hand against his chin. Her fingers were thin and hard and rough. It had been years since he had felt the touch of a woman. He needed that.

"I wish you the best of luck. Find the kid, rescue the angel, end this war."

She threw her backpack on and pulled a bandana up to cover her mouth.

"You're making a mistake." Is all Shelby could think to say.

"Take care." She replied.

Then she walked away from the little container house in Thera Square, and from Shelby's life.

He watched her as long as he could. Her figure, her athletic legs, her defined shoulders. Then he contemplated lying down to die.

"Will it be only you and I?" Lon asked as he finished packing.

"I reckon."


"We should leave now, dear." The Pastor peered down from his window in the temple, watching the streets below.

"Did you tell Shelby?" Strawberries asked, sitting in the study, thumbing her fingers.

"Lon should be at the Nunes cafe with your friends. If they're not there already."

Strawberries knew the angel was the priority, but all she could think of was protecting Shelby. How he had saved her, how they had saved each other. She had been here for a month now. What would he think, her being broken like this? He wasn't to blame. She hoped he knew he wasn't to blame.

The Pastor had explained that the Council and a number of guards were loyal to their cause. He was well-respected and Mrs. Morgen even more so. They would use this to spring the angel and divert them far away from the city. Then, Strawberries suspected, a coup was planned to dethrone General Price and seize the bomb. But she had not been entitled to that level of information.

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