Anushka followed....and as she sat down, Virat lay down keeping his head on her lap, making her surprise yet happy on this move.

She started running her hand on his hair.

There was silence, before Virat started in soft voice.

"I am sorry Nushkie!!", Anushka got teary hearing the nickname from him after almost months.

"I don't know...why I behaved the way I did? But...if you can, then please forgive me!!", He apologized sincerely while looking into her eyes, making her smile with glint in her eyes...which he saw after many days. She rests her head on his cheeks, before once again looking into his eyes and replying.

"It's ok Vi!! I know....that it was hard for you as well!! But....never exclude me from your life!! It's not only your pain, but it's mine as well!! But I know...we will pass it!! Right!?", He nodded silently making her kiss his forehead.

Here, Sakshi who was passing through their room, heard everything and smiles.

"Nushki!!", The serious voice of Virat made Anu looked at him.

"I...I need to talk to you something important!!", He said making her look at him, while Sakshi frown her brows.

"I...I am getting a call from last few days....from---", he stopped not knowing how to address it.

"It's ok Vi!! You don't need to analyse before speaking to me!! Whose call was this!!?", She asked cupping his face.

"Ya...Yash Singhania!!", She was shocked and her face turned plain.

He called me day before yesterday and------

"Hello", Virat picked the continuously ringing cell.

"Hello!!", He again said as he didn't get any reply.

And this time, he heard a voice like someone sighed. He looks at the phone before pressing it to his ear again.

"If you aren't talking, I will cut the call", he said as he thought that it is a prank call.

"I feel pity for you!!", This was first sentence he heard from other side making him clutch his jaws.

"Excuse me!!"

"Your anger is fine Virat!!! But don't you think it should be somewhere else!!"

"Who are you even?"

"Yash...Yash Singhania!! And I know you will cut the call before hearing anything from me....but trust me, you will regret that!!", Virat was going to cut the call, but his word were enough to stop him.

"You life was so good before sometime, until he came back and bring the bad luck!!"

"Yash Singhania!! Do you think I forgot the call I got just before my accident!! It was you who cause the accident!!", Yash smiles. He knew this will happen and he was prepared already.

"I won't lie and say....I wasn't!! was never about you!! It was always about Mahi!!!

I could have kill you, but I didn't..!! You know why, I wanted you to live!!", Virat chuckled internally at his words, and his fist clenched hearing his words.

"I know you are angry at me... extremely!!! But trust me Virat!! I just wanted to bring his truth in front of you!!"

"Shut up!!", Virat wanted to beat him into pulp. His words were seemingly funny but enraging his every bits.

Forever United |A MahiRohiRat Fanfiction| (Completed)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu