18| princess

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There was a bathroom in the room where Moara was pleased the chains could allow her access to. The throbbing in her head hadn't stopped, it kept increasing and she was Shure her cheek was swollen.

As she rocked back and forth rattling all the possible ways to escape the place the door was opened. A man walked in. He looked older, he had a sickening smile on his face which made Moara coil back into the corner further.

He was smiling but there was nothing good about it. It was sinister, menacingly cold.

Anthonio's eyes studied her carefully. She had his eyes, everything else was of Lithiana. She looked just exactly like the woman who was six deep down the ground. His investigation led him to uncover that she was murdered by one of her dealers. He didn't feel sad but rather joyful that she had left the world.

He gave James a tooth pulling punch after he saw the footage of him slapping her. He was still recovering.

Anthonio sat down, still in a trance.

" How are you doing today, Moara."

His deep voice had her swallowing hard.

" Answer me, my princess."

" I- I am fine." She whispered. The older man nodded.

" Did they touch you?" Moara's brows came together.

" Who?," She asked again.

" The Putins," Anthonio snarled.

Moara took pride in that. Aslan would never chain her much less hit her.

" Never, and they'd never lay a finger on me." She sneered.

Anthonio smirked, they had the same anger, slowly but surely bubbling.

" If you knew why they took you in, in the first place you'd realize how disgusting they are." He waved dismissively.

" What do you mean to say?" She gritted out.

" Alexei and Aslan took you in because you're my daughter." The information felt like a stone had been smashed into her already throbbing skull.

" Y-you fucking lying to me!" She launched towards him but the chains stopped her.

" You're not my father!, I don't have any family!, Aslan would never do that!" She yelled.

Anthonio sighed, " I didn't know about you until now. Your mother, Lithiana, sold you off, after birth. I had no idea she was expecting, I would have never allowed her to dump my daughter in a foster home." Moara's knees weakened at the information.

Though the man was a cold one, she didn't miss the warmth in his tone when delivering the information.

" You don't know me."

" I want to know you my princess, that's why I took you away from those evil men," Anthonio tossed his head back taking out the fake eye.

Moara's eyes widened.

" They did this to me, five years ago. They killed my men brutally, they are evil." He crouched down to her level.

" I am sorry about everything, Moara, I don't deserve to be a father to you after everything that has happened. I wasn't there when you were growing up. Please allow me to correct that mistake." His soft fatherly voice caressed Moara's ears, tickled her eyes as tears spilled.

She recalled all the times she suffered in foster homes, cursing her life wishing for death itself.

" I - they hurt me so much, dad, I was afraid, I wanted to just die." She sobbed as Anthonio took her in his arms. Moara felt oddly safe in them. A father's love. She had wanted it for so long.

" James will pay for hitting you, I've already punished him but your orders will be followed. Do you want him dead?" Anthonio wiped her tears caressing the bruise on her cheek.

She shook her head, " No, I don't want to kill him. He -he was trying to tame me."

" He had no right, Odessa, none," Anthonio gritted out.

" Please don't kill him." Anthonio begrudgingly agreed despite wanting to slit the fucker's throat mercilessly for touching his daughter.

" Let's get you cleaned up, my princess." He unlocked the chains and took her hand. She had a slight limp from staying in the same position.

She smiled warmly at the man,

" I love you more than my life, princess, no one's going to hurt you anymore whilst I am here." She nodded blinking away the tears.

" And the Putins will pay for this. All of them, for trying to take you away from me."

Moara went into deep thoughts.

How could Aslan hide such a thing from her?.

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