05. Alone

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Moara remembered falling asleep the moment Aslan left her room. She had showered the night before. Honestly she had never slept that much. It felt good to sleep without thinking of about her tedious work shifts.

She tiptoed to the balcony and breathed in the fresh air. She looked around the large compound with men in black scattered around, armed.

The mansion was tucked away from the city. It felt serene to be away from the world. She didn't know how long it was going to take but so far, she was enjoying the peace in the place.

" Do you have any intentions of rolling off the rail?" Moara jumped and turned around. She gave Alexei an are you kidding me look.

" You didn't knock." She pointed out, pulling the large shirt she wore from last night. Her hair up in a messy bun.

" Sorry, Miss." He apologized sarcastically. The opened door ushered in more men in black. They were all holding two to three shopping bags.

" What's all of this?" She pointed to the bags.

" Clothes. Lots of it. You'll need them." Alexei sighed.

" Thank you." She gave him a fake smile.

" I searched you up. You happen to be all by yourself. No family records, just foster homes and your work history which is quite exhausting. " Alexei approached her on the balcony.

" Stalker." She teased.

" Thank you." He answered her joke.

" Do you really have no one to live for?" Alexei questioned curiously.

" I have a crazy old man and Aslan to live for now." She pointed at him, smiling from ear to ear.

" I'll pretend I didn't hear the crazy part." He pulled out a cigar. Moara snatched it from him and tossed it away.

" That costs more than your entire existence." He snickered.

" But it doesn't measure up to you living healthily." She barked back.

" Who told you I wanted to be healthy?, I just want to fucking kill alot of idiotic dons." Moara wanted to know more about the man.

" I wonder how Aslan's mother put up with your attitude. You're such a bitch." Moara smirked.

" I guess, it was because of my dick skills." Moara gasped at his bluntness.

For the first time in a very, very long time, Alexei chuckled without all the coldness and darkness.

" I have work to do," he reached for his back pockets and pulled out five black cards. He placed them in her hands.

" Do as you please, " Moara tried to push it back to him but he shooed her away.

" Money is important, Miss. You will need it." He walked away from her.

" Where's Aslan?" She asked.

The atmosphere changed, turning darker and eerily cold.

" He's busy with business." Alexei pulled out another cigar and lit it before walking out of the door.

" Of course he wouldn't tell me." She mumbled to herself.

Moara decided to finish her food which was brought in later. It was delicious and so good. The flavors were bursting.

" Is there a pool around here?," She asked the woman who came in to collect the plates.

" Yes ma'am, it's on the roof." She revealed.

" How many floors?," she questioned further.

" Three floors, ma'am, The first floor is now yours and the boss's." She revealed. Moara nodded with each word.

" The second floor belonged to the late Semion." Moara didn't question about the man.

" The last floor is the prohibited floor. No one goes there aside the boss and Mr Alexei."

" Do I have to take the stairs?" She asked.

" No, ma'am , there's an elevator at the end of this floor. The stairs are also an option but I'd recommend the elevator." She warned.

" Why not the stairs?"

The maid hurriedly grabbed the plates and exited the room.

Amazing. She thought.

Moara kinda missed Aslan.

She decided to go for a swim.

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