16. Strangers

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James hoisted Moara's body into his arms. Aslan pulled out his gun ready to fire.

" Boss he's going to shoot." James was afraid of the man recalling all the horrid stories he had found about him. His appearance was evidence enough.

Anthonio stepped out of the black SUV.

" He won't. We have her. He wouldn't risk her life." Anthonio snarled wearing a smirk. Aslan gritted his teeth looking around the men who had taken over his compound. He could single handedly kill all of them but not with Moara in their grasp. He couldn't risk her life.

His finger fiddled with the trigger, ready to pull and shoot right through the man who had his arms around his Moara.

" Shoot, she dies, " Anthonio threatened.

Aslan dropped his gun, raising his hands. He glared into Anthonio's eyes. The fake eye was troubling him, it made him quite uncomfortable.

All thanks to him but he'd settle that another time, right now he was here for his daughter.

" I will find you!" Aslan yelled back. The men surrounding the two men trembled from fear. Aslan's gravel like voice, scratched their skin. Anthonio hid his surprise quite well.

" Out." Anthonio backed away, quickly getting into his car, whilst James took care of unconscious Moara in the SUV.

They drove away from the beast in human form.

" I will take his other eye out, his heart will be a feast for my eyes, I swear Alexei."

The older man heard him but the pain in his chest couldn't escape him. They had taken her away. Moara was now with Anthonio, her father.

He was worried about what transpired before all of this. She saw them as monsters. After witnessing what they did. Of course she knew they were in the mafia but she didn't expect to see them massacre a human before her eyes. All the blood. The screams.

" We need to take her back." Alexei muttered angrily.

" No one takes her away from me." Aslan walked back into the mansion and back to their room. Where they'd slept together. He sat on the bed, his mind playing tricks on him. He could see her by the window, the door, smiling.

" Ah!" He destroyed the perfectly made bed, his breathe ragged and heavy.

" I'll kill him, I'll kill him!" He sat on the floors, and for the first time, tears escaped his eyes. Aslan was in tears, remembering how she looked at him when he killed that man.

" I am sorry, I am sorry." He chanted over and over again. Guilt consumed him. If he had listened to Alexei and stopped, they would have noticed the whole thing. Anthony and his men sneaking into his mansion.

She wouldn't have run straight into their arms. He caused all of this.

" It's all my fault, I caused all of this." The demons in his head surfaced. His father's words echoed in his ears, loudly.

You're worthless.

You piece of shit. I regret having you as a son.

You're an animal.

Kill them, Aslan. Do it. Slice their throats like a fine piece of meat.

" No, no, no!"  He pressed his hands to his ears, trying to push out the voices but they only got louder.

Semion made him kill sometimes to have a meal. Other times, he forced him to ...

He was disgusted by himself, sleep with men,.women, rich filthy bastards who derived pleasure from him to pay millions into Semion's account.

Moara had every right to run away from him. He was a monster. A monster that didn't deserve such an angel..

" Aslan, we need to get out!" Alexei walked in, dragging him off the floor. He was so damn hard to move.

" Fucking shit, get the hell up!, Kei has ambushed the place!, Our men are on their way but it'd be too late." Alexei's voice brought him to his senses.

" I can kill them."

" You're not faster than their bullets there are  about hundreds of them!" Alexei scolded.

" Let me fight them!" Aslan protested.

" You're fucking mad right now, your senses isn't working at the moment you stand no chance against them. Let's get the fuck outta here!" Alexei punched him. He was getting frustrated.

" Do it for Moara!" That worked. Aslan got up and followed the older man into the secret elevator disguised as a wall.

Downstairs, Kei scanned the place..

" Find them, no one touches Moara.". She barked the orders.
The roaring of an engine caught their attention.

Kei's gun rained bullets but they were already gone.

" Fuck!" She cussed.

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