10. An Eye

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" They left boss." The man with messed silver curls, announced. A man sat infront of him, his back staring at the man. Smoke, clouding the large space, only the menacingly sound of ice moving in his glass.

" There was a rukus but we can't put a hand to it, none of the people, was willing to utter a word about it." James sighed.

He turned. His head hung low. He took a sip of his iced drink, hissing when it kissed his teeth.

" Alexei, the secretive bastard wouldn't allow word to go out but I wanna know, something different." He lifted his gaze staring at James through one eye. The other was a fake which made him feel irritated. It had been years but the memory was still fresh. The pain was fresh.

" Rumors has it that there was a woman with them, she was at the second level and happened to attract Kei Putin's attention." James started, before bringing forward photos. Lots of them.

Specifically from angles, directing towards Kei and Moara.

" Who is she?," He studied the picture. Trying to pick out clues, whatever but it wasn't clicking.

" Searched her up and the only information we have on her is dark."

" What do you mean?" He questioned.

" Sir Anthonio, her hospital records, DNA, and every other hidden secret leads to you. She's been thrown around foster homes, since she was a baby." James made sure not to make the mistake of stammering.

" I don't know her. She's not someone I can," he picked a photo. One which had Moara's face clearly in display.

" Lithiana." Anthonio's face morphed into something more sinister than murdering a person in cold blood.

" Fucking Putin's!" Anthonio growled, throwing his glass across the room. His eye turning bloodshot.

" She's my fucking daughter!, That drug dealer dared to put my daughter in a foster home!" He kicked the chair,his hair falling on his forehead.

" I'll fucking kill them!" He growled.

" Sir, you need to calm down please." James pleaded. He didn't understand. Anthonio thought. He wasn't present in her life for years and this was how destiny made him find out. Of all the places she could be, she was with his worst enemies. Mingling with the fucking Putin's who took his eye and masacred most of his men.

" They know who she is, they know I'll find out, that's why they planned all of this. They took her because she is my blood." He raked his fingers through her hair.

" What do we do then?" James asked, taking a seat.

" It's either they kill us or we kill them ." Anthonio snarled. James frowned. Of course he never understood the old fella. A man like him wasn't easily understood.

" What do you mean, boss?" James questioned.

" I want my daughter back!" He banged his fist on the large desk.

" She's hardly seen outside with them." James sighed. It was his first time seeing her too.

" If Kei is interested in her, then probably she'll take her out, she's Kei and we know Kei likes where there's a party." Anthonio snarled, lit a cigarette and took a long drag.

" Their security is like a fucking puzzle,"

Anthonio grabbed him by the collar,

" That's why I fucking pay you!, The connection I have isn't because I wanna know how it works. It's there for this!" He released him.

His memory went into a whirlwind. He loved Lithiana but sue to the nature of his job and the burden of taking over the Italian mob, was what made him leave her.
She was toxic, an addict, a fuel to his flames.

" Why didn't she tell me?," He whispered to himself.

All these years.


Plot twist?..... I guess so.
Lmao lemme rant a little.

So like we went to one of my grandma's funeral and then, I met so many cousins and uncles

The funny thing is they thought I was a stranger and started asking for my contact, visibly showing they like me...

It's soooooo weird....

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