Part 12 - Triggering past

Start from the beginning

This is getting ridiculous! Previously, they just jeer or insult her appearance which Jennie could just ignore. But now apparently they decided that all bets are off and it's a free game of deciding who's going to make her suffer today. She was still healing from her sprained ankle and they still decided to pick on her. She didn't really mind the physical pain, she got doctors who can take care of that but it hurts her pride more. She didn't know what it was about her that made them hate her so much.

She just wants to finish her 2 years off in peace and be back with her members in New Zealand. Her parents already promised that. She just needs to finish her school here just so she can learn about her culture before she could leave. That's why she stopped her members from coming with her. It's just for 2 years and she thinks it's better not to interrupt the class schedules of the other three, just because her grandparents insisted their only granddaughter be immersed in Korean education.

However, it's still hard to be here alone. As she felt another start of tears again, she quickly picked up her books and rushed towards the toilet. When she walked into the room, a few girls inside just smirked at her before bumping her on her shoulder on their way out. She ignored the throbbing on her shoulders and just walked into one of the stalls. That's when she let out a soft sobs and let her tears finally free. She didn't know how long she sat there before she was interrupted by her phone rings. When she saw it was a video call request, she quickly dabbed her tears away and put on a smile before she accepted it.

"Hi, Nini!" Lisa greeted her excitedly.

Jennie smiled as she saw how close Lisa's mouth was to the screen. Lisa and technology is not meant to be. Her smile widened when she could see the chocolates smeared at the side of Lisa's mouth. When she got into trouble, she would consume her chocolate stash like it was the end of the world and she really didn't care about how she looked. She then jumped in surprise when Lisa suddenly shouted into the screen calling Rosie.

"Chaeyoungah! She picked up! Now what do I do?! I don't think she can hear me!"

"Lisa! It's a video call. You don't have to put your mouth there! Jennie unnie will hear you even when you talk from here! Move away! So she can see me!" She heard Rosie protest before there was a scrambling sound before Lisa's face was pulled away and Rosie's and Lisa's face now appeared at an acceptable distance.

"Hi, Jennie unnie!" Rosie waved.

"Hi, Rosie!" Jennie greets back.

There's a pout on Lisa's face now. "Nini! I called you first! You should have said hi to me first!"

"I tried Lili but before I could you shouted into the call."

"Ooooh...ok I accepted your reasoning" Lisa nodded her head.

Jennie let out a small chuckle. "Where's Jisoonie?"

"Jisoonie got held back. She needs to handle some issues at school about someone releasing all the mice in the lab room." Rosie explained.

Jennie raised her eyebrows then turned her eyes towards Lisa. "Does it have anything to do with you?"

"No way! Although I think it's cruel to name them as a lab's rat! They are mice! A white one! They should not be downgraded to mere lab's rat!" Lisa replied defensively.

This time Jennie shook her head. Trust Lisa to defend the rat's social status.

"Now enough about me saving the mice. How are you, Nini?"

"I'm fine, Lili. How about you? What did you get yourself into trouble with this time?" Jennie quickly averted the question.

"Unnniiiiie..... Why do you always assume I'm in trouble whenever I call you?" Lisa whined out.

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