Chapter 29: Here We Stand

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Chapter 29: Here We Stand

3rd POV:

Fuegeolon left the room. Natsu was now safely off the floor and was being accompanied by Adallai and Leo, both who looked like they were thrown into the room by an unknown force by the way they stumbled in. When Natsu saw Adallai, she got pretty emotional, Adallai kept apologizing but Natsu wouldn't listen. The two were worried sick about one another and It almost made Fuegeoloen smile when he saw how close they had become. When Leo made his presence known, Natsu was just as ecstatic to see her favorite, and only, uncle. Noticing a missing member Leon decided to leave to look for his sister, feeling better about leaving Natsu alone now that she had two others to look after her.

Upon closing the door he was met with another sharp, unexpected, jab to his gut, with enough force to bring him to his knees. With a deep breath, he looked up to see his sister, leaning against the door frame, not looking all too happy. While holding her fist up, as if she was inspecting it, "Six more." she said bringing her hand down to cross across her chest. Turning her full attention to the male, "So?" She asked while watching him use the wall to stand up.

"So?" He shot back, sending a glare her way. Pissed by the unexpected attack.

With a sharp eye roll, she sneered, "So...How did it go?" she questioned.

His glare relaxed and Leon looked down in shame, "She...Forgave me..." although, to Mereoleona, he didn't look that thrilled about it. If anything, he looked upset. "And that's a bad thing?" She questioned. "You are lucky, I wouldn't blame her if she never wanted to see you again." Feugoleon immediately agreed; he wouldn't blame Natsu if she wanted little to nothing to do with him and it didn't feel right being forgiven so fast. With a deep sigh, he pinched the bridge of his nose, "It is when she does it so quickly... She started apologizing to me when I first arrived..." He emphasized the word "Me", he found the thought to be outrageous and he hated the thought almost as much as he hated hearing Natsu say the words.

Mereoleona's frown deepened, "You didn't allow her to, did you?-"

"Of course not!" He yelled back, "But she had it stuck in her head that this whole ordeal was her doing... and I still think she believes that."

With a deep breath, "...She's going to be fine." Mereoleona said. Although it was directed at her brother, it was equally meant for herself. It was something she firmly believed, after all, she refused to think that after all this Natsu was just going to give up. In her eyes, Natsu has just started on the path of life. Leona wouldn't lie and say it would be easy for her, hell, she doubted it with how bad of a start Natsu got, but she did believe the little girl had the guts to make it. She was just dealt a bad hand, but that doesn't mean she can't win the pot.

"She will...I can't allow it any other way." Fuegoleon commented as he joined his sister to lean against the wall. His hand clutching his still aching gut.

"You don't have any other choice..." Mereoleona growled.

"Yes...that's what I sai-" Fuegoleon started but was interrupted by the fierce glare coming from his sister.

"No, you don't get it..." She said while straightening her poster. "If you screw this up, that's it..." She stood in front of him, hands on her hips. Even though she was shorter than him, Fuegeoloen couldn't help but feel intimidated but he did his best to hide it.

"One wrong move on your part and you can kiss the title of fatherhood goodbye, forever." She seethed. It was a dirty move but she meant it when she said she was ashamed to share his blood. What happened wasn't just an oversight, it was blatant disregard. If her brother couldn't get it together then she saw no reason to allow Natsu to stay in his care.

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