Chapter 3: The Storm

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Chapter 3: The Storm

(Just a little heads up, many characters might seem a little ooc. I will try to keep them on point, but with how little screen time these characters get; it's hard to display how they would act in this type of situation. Also, there will be typos, English is my first language but I suck at it.)

With a tight grip on her hand, the older woman, Mary, drags her toward the house, but before she could make it to the door Charles called to her, "Mary, stop, we need to tell her." the grip on Natsu's hand tightened; causing the girl to wince.

"No, we can't." her grandmother muttered, not looking at her husband. Natsu looked to her grandfather, who walked up to them. "It may be the only way to protect her. If you love her, you will send Natsu to him."

"If he wants her, let him pay." Another voice chimed. The front door now opened, revealing her mother, who had her hands on her hips. Just as Natsu is about to speak, Mary pulls the young girl to her chest in a tight but protective hug.

"NO! You all don't care, but I do." tears started to stream from the elderly woman's eyes. Natsu grunted and pushed her grandmother away, looking at the three adults with a glare. A scowl that could rival another certain redhead.

"That's it; you have been acting weird since yesterday! Who are you talking about when you say him? And why would he pay for me? I NEED ANSWERS AND I NEED THEM NOW!!" she yells; panting finally confronted them, but barely scratching the surface of the pile of forming questions.

This caused the group to quiet down and look at the young girl. Her grandfather's eyes showed pity, her grandmother's showed distress, and finally, her mother's showed annoyance and disinterest. "Sue, we've been meaning to tell you, but-." her grandfather was interrupted.

"The "he" in this instance is your father he is of royal blood meaning you are of royal blood." Her mother started looking at Natsu. "But don't worry you won't get to see him." Natsu looks to her mother, signaling for her to continue.

"And everyone is acting weird because some guys are coming to take you away and they threatened your family and friends. If they don't hand you over they will hurt people. Is that what you want? Your dear old grandparents to get hurt because of you." She seethed.

"MARZIA! We won't let that happen, she will be safe here." His grandmother yells at the woman with wide eyes, Marzia scoffs, "Oh please, you act like she is your child. News flash, She isn't, she's mine." Said woman burst past Mary and grabs the young girl by the back of her hair, slightly pulling it.

"Oh, and those guys from earlier. Well, they want to sell you as I did, I'm sure they will get a pretty price," she said looking the young girl right in the eye.

"Marzia will you stop and be a mother for once in your life!?" her grandfather finally chimed. He rushed over and pulled Natsu away from the woman. Her grandmother looked up in horror, "You're the one that told those mages about Natsu, right, You're the whole reason they are here in the first place." The elderly woman's hands started to shake.

"I don't see the big deal, I even gave her a heads up. Once again she is my child I can do what I wish with her." Marzia seethed back; flipping her hair behind her shoulders and walking away into the house. The only man in the group muttered just loud enough, "We raised you better than this Marzia. She is a child, not property. We should have sent her with her aunt."

"Stop saying her. I'm right here stop acting like I'm not!" the redhead shouts looking to her mother, "I don't want to cause the people I love pain. But I don't want to be sold off like cattle either." The young girl takes a deep breath. Looking to her grandfather, who seemed to be the only one with a clear mind. "What do I do?" she sorrowfully asked tears forming in her eyes.

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