Chapter 2: Mereoleona

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Chapter 2: Mereoleona:

The following day Natsu forced herself out of her bed, having not gotten any sleep during the night. It took all her energy to force herself off her mattress and to her wardrobe.

Natsu's POV:

'What do I do; do grams and gramps know what mom meant? No, they would have told me, right?' Pulling off my nightgown, throwing it into the corner; with the rest of the laundry. I open the top of my drawer, pull out a plain white and yellow t-shirt, then open the bottom and pull out a pair of brown shorts.

'Do I ask them about what mom said; do I keep quiet? God, why is this so frustrating.' tears soon start to form in my eyes, but I quickly brush them away. I then hear a knock "Natsu. It's time to wake u-" I opened the door before the familiar voice could finish. "Oh, you're awake on time, that's a first, well breakfast is on the table," my gramma told me, refusing to look at me.

I walked out; to the dining area to see my grandpa with this morning's paper. I sat down to hot rice porridge, "so your gramma and I were thinking that you should take the day off; play with that Zig kid and do whatever you kids do.." Gramps stated, not looking up from his paper. "Firstly, his name is Sig, not...whatever you said. Secondly, you never give me a day off; what's the deal?" I may not be the smartest, but I'm not stupid. What are these two hiding?

"We just thought you would want a break, you've been working hard and you're still a Child. Go have fun." Grandma chimes, looking into the sink, refusing to look me in the eye. I took a few slow bites of the porridge, glancing between the two but decided to rest my eyes on the bowl. I knew this had to be about what Mother had said.

"Okay, then, can I be excused? I promised Sig we would hang out later." they didn't say anything, but gramps gestured to the door, his mouth full of food. I slowly get up and walk to the door, glancing back at them, hoping for at least some acknowledgment. I didn't get any. I sighed and closed the front door behind me. Walking towards town slowly.

I walk down the familiar dirt road, and just like clockwork, I see my mother getting out of a different carriage. She backed out of it, giggling, and pulled her fallen strap back onto her shoulder. she turned around. Her face turns cold when her eyes land on me. Unlike yesterday I didn't confront her. I try to walk past her, keeping my head down, hoping not to draw any attention. Surprisingly, she steps in front of me, Forcing me to stop. I look up to see her glaring at me with her head held high.

"What, you finally learned your lesson?" I could hear the mocking tone in her voice as a sinister smile grew on her face. Seeing that I wasn't going to say anything, she started again, "Oh? What's wrong; did it finally click." sarcasm dripped from her mouth, once again, I kept my mouth shut, "Hello, Is anyone in there?" she mocked, while she knocked on my head a few times. I once again didn't say anything. She seemed to become bored with my lack of reactions and pushed past me, slamming my shoulder out of the way.

I kept my head down the entire time. 'She never talks to me. Did the conversation yesterday change her?' I keep walking but instead of going to Sigs. I walk through the town, going into the forest; to Sig's and my training spot.

Once there, I start blazing, letting my frustration out, throwing fire everywhere and anywhere, turning every bit of wood into coal. I continued my little tantrum. I couldn't help but break everything and anything. It was hard to understand and it felt frustrating, i've thought of everything and yet I couldn't find the right answer. I continued this for what felt like hours when I finally stopped to take a breath while my anger somewhat subsided.

Looking around, everything around me was black and burned; the trees were missing many of their leaves. I take a few breaths, muttering. "This isn't fair; why can't I get at least one parent that gives a damn; that too much to ask" I could almost feel the veins in my forehead bursting as my browns were furrowed.

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