Chapter 24: A Village Called Hage

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Chapter 24: A Village Called Hage

3rd POV:

After being found by two boys, who had heard her cries, they were more than willing to help and seemed to bare no ill intentions. Adallai was of course skeptical but was more desperate for help. They both seemed like nice young boys who were just as worried when they saw what Adallai was hovering over.

The shorter of the two carried Natsu in his arms, the taller one telling him to run ahead as she was in a worst condition than the blond. The shorter one quickly did as he was told and ran ahead, screaming the whole way. The tall one supported Adallai and helped her walk the rest of the way. He could tell she was skeptical of him and he did his best to reassure her, only she stayed quiet the rest of the way.

During their short walk to his village, he introduced himself as Yuno, with no last name, and the shorter one was named Asta. They both lived in a church that resided in the village they were heading to called Hage. Yuno tried to comfort the strange woman but she made it very clear that she wouldn't give him any information.

"Will you at least tell me how you got all those scratches?" He asked as he held up her limping form, slowly but surely the village was coming into view. Yuno had a good idea seeing as the pair was found at the bottom of a cliff be he learn a while ago not to assume.

"I'm sorry but..." Adallai finally started but paused when her eyes landed on the gigantic skull that was behind the village. "My main priority is to make sure she's okay...." She quickly shut herself up again, much to Yuno's dismay but he went with it.

"Okay, We'll be there in a few minutes." he let it go. Once again letting them fall into an awkward silence. This was not how he imagined his day going. He and Asta were, as he would put it, training and for once decided to go in a different direction than their normal route. Which in hindsight was a good thing. He won't lie, when he first heard the woman's cries, he thought it was his imagination and was going to ignore it. However, his rival didn't waste a second and sprinted toward's the noise.

It was a good thing too, he didn't expect to find an injured woman and child. Yuno had many questions about Adallai's situation. For one, the child looked nothing like the woman, and at first, he assumed she might have kidnapped the girl, he quickly dismissed that thought when he saw how distraught she was; what kidnapper would beg for help? He was also curious about her disheveled attire, not only was she wearing pajamas in the afternoon but they also felt like expensive silk not only that but the red-headed child also wore something of similar material. 'Are they nobility? If so why are they way out here?' he thought.

"Is she your daughter?" Yuno didn't stop himself from asking, watching as she snapped her head away from him and unintentionally hurt her already aching neck. That was all Yuno needed, the two were not related, and sadly that was something he already suspected.


Both Yuno and Adallai looked ahead, seeing Asta waving them over to a run-down church. Next to him stood an older man, a priest, judging by his attire. It made her feel better, 'perhaps Yuno wasn't lying...' she thought, finally convinced that the boy was telling the truth. It was hard to deny it. They walked through a town and some of the passersby seemed to recognize the young black-haired boy. Of course, all the villagers ask if she was alright but she quickly dismissed them with a stern nod. Not only that but the sight of a priest was comforting, she wasn't religious but she did have respect for the humble public servants.

As soon as they were close enough Adallai pushed off of Yuno and gripped Asta's shoulders, "Is she okay!? Where is she!?" She didn't give him a chance to answer as she shook his body back and forth. The priest held his hands up trying to calm her down, "Miss, please. You're injured too." He gestured to a small bench that had a medkit on it, "That child is being healed to the best of our abilities and you look on the verge of collapsing any minute, Please sit." He tried to urge her.

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