Chapter 6: A New Beginning

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Chapter 6: A New Beginning

Midnight: 3rd POV

Just getting out of the meeting room, Fuegoleon thanked all those involved in finding Natsu. All that were involved were either more than happy to help or did it because they wanted a reward, Cough, Cough, Yami, Cough.

By now it was late into the night and many of the Captains were eager to go to their rooms and sleep. For Fuegoleon, however; sleep was the last thing on his mind, the emotional rollercoaster seemed to never end. And with his daughter now in his custody, he was sure things wouldn't get any easier. He was making his way to the Vermillion estate; on normal occasions, the patient would be sent to the castle's infirmary, But with her being a descendant of the Vermillion line. He instructed her to be brought to one of the spare bedrooms not far from his own, so he could protect her himself.

Many things were running through his head but he pushed them aside the moment he came across his brother, who seemed to be waiting for him by the main entrance of the estate, "Leo?" Calling out he caught the boy's attention and he ran to meet him halfway.

"Brother! good you're here. Owen told me to find you and lead you to the room they are keeping her in." Unlike before the young male was rather calm, something Fuegoleon knew was not a common occurrence.

"Is she in a room like I instructed?" Fuegoleon quickly received a nod as his brother led the way. While walking Leopold noticed his older brother's unusual silence, "If it makes you feel, even a little bit, at ease. Dr. Owen said she was fine, just a few injuries that needed to be treated..." Noticing the slight drop in his brother's shoulders, Leopold knew it must be working.

"..Is...Is she awake?" A simple question, but a harder answer, "No, Owen thinks the spell may take a little while to wear off." It was probably for the best. It didn't take long for the two to make it to a room right across from Fuegoleons own chambers. Just as he was about to knock, Fuegoleon looked to his brother, "Does Lady Brennon know about her yet?"

Fuegoleon's POV:

Leopold gave a little groan, "She was kinda... there when the nurse and Dr. Owen brought her in.." scratching his head. And just like that, what little weight Leopold took off his brother's shoulders was added back ten folds. Sighing and I bring a hand to his forehead, 'I knew I couldn't avoid it but I was hoping she would hear it from me...'' taking a deep breath, "Guess I will have to cross that bridge when it comes to it." and knocks on the door. It quietly opened to reveal Owen.

"Oh good you here, just in time." he gestures inside. I go in followed by Leo, Quickly going to the side of the bed. My paranoia must have been getting to me, but I needed to see her. Looking down at the small figure in the bed, she looked so much better after being cleaned. Subconsciously, I sit in the chair next to the bed my eyes never leaving her. Watching her chest rise and then fall gave me a sort of comfort.

"She's going to be fine." Pulling me from my thoughts, Owen continued, "Most of the blood on her face was not her's must have been one of those rouges." he hands me a chart with many of his notes on her. "The most I'm worried about is her hands, they should heal just fine but there will be scarring." I nod in reply.

"You hear that brother. She going to be okay. No reason to worry about her anymore. Let's be happy for the new addition to the family." Leo walks to the other side of the bed, right into my field of vision. Finally, I relax, "your right, this is something to be celebrated, but not now. It will take a while for her to get used to the sudden change in her life." I stand up and look to Owen, "Leo please stay here and keep an eye on her, I would like to escort the good doctor out." I open the door allowing Owen to exit.

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