Chapter 19: To Mother, My Keeper

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Chapter 19: To Mother, My Keeper

3rd POV:

Fuegoleon storms through the courtyard just outside his home, he wasn't sure how to approach the situation, and his emotions where the only thing driving him at that moment. Should he get the guards? Should he call for backup? He wasn't sure. He had no proof other than the words of commoners, to him that was more than enough, to others that was nothing.

The moon show brightly as clouds passed in front of it, he was out much longer than anticipated but he did not regret it. He got very valuable information. He knew he needed to be smart about this, however, he couldn't stop his current path; he was being pushed forward by an unknown force. Pushing him to find the small girl and pushing him to obliterate anything that was posing a threat to her. It was primal.

Bursting threw the front door, multiple servants jumped back from the loud noise. He looked to the closest butler, which happens to be a young man, "Bring me Marzia Hernest." his gaze piercing straight through the young man, if looks could kill then the butler would be nothing more than a pile of ash. Fuegoleon then turned away focusing his sights back in front of him and onto the grand staircase, allowing his tunnel vision to guide him.

The young man trembled, he was new to the line of work and wasn't expecting this. He shook in place, his legs refusing to move. "Did I stutter?" Fugeoleon asked in a low tone, his patience thinning. The butler yelped and shook his head.

"Then why are you still standing there?!"

The young man bowed and forced his leg to move, fearing that if he hadn't then the man he served would have destroyed him.

Looking around him Fuegoleon took note of the faculty that was standing around, unsure of what to do with his outburst. "What are you standing around for! I gave you orders, so follow them thoroughly!" He yelled but he didn't wait to see them scramble. Making his way up the stairs he kept his eyes peeled for any signs of the dark-haired woman. He knew he should have been suspicious of her since the beginning but something stopped him from even thinking that way, it was like the thought refused to cross his mind. He now knew more about the type of person she was and if Sig was right about what Natsu said then there is a undeniable chance that Marzia played a big hand in the original kidnapping and the destruction of the village Penshaw.

He knew he was reaching and drawing conclusions that could very well be wrong but something told him he was right. Think back to all those times he'd seen her and Natsu interact, which were very few, they were short and strenuous. The first time he saw her with Natsu, he knew something was wrong. Why he didn't act on it was a mystery even to himself. But one thing was for sure, he didn't trust that woman. He can't trust that woman, for she could be the very reason for his cub's pain.

"Brother!" Leopold yells out to him, poking his head out from his bedroom after hearing the ruckus. Leo ran up to his brother urging him to stop and explain the situation, but he was met with a bull-like man. Fuegoleon refused to slow down as his brother had to jog to keep up with him.

Only once he was in front of a door did he slow down and take a deep breath, 'She can't see me like this, I don't want to scare her.' Leon thought back to the time when she feared his wrath even from the slightest sign of negativity. He stared at the door gathering himself.

"Brother what's wrong." Leo placed a hand on his older sibling's shoulder, finally catching his attention. Fuegoloen lightened his glare, "Leo I will explain later...For now, remain on standby." He demands, letting himself sink into his captain's persona. Leo followed his example quickly releasing this was important and/or dangerous, he nodded.

Not bothering to knock Fuegoleon opened the door, and he quickly noticed how empty it was. Soon fear found its way to his chest, he wasn't sure what to think. She wasn't there. Turning to his younger brother Fuegoleon says in an estranged voice, "Leopold, find Natsu."

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