Chapter 11: And so it Begins

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Chapter 11: And so it Begins

(A/N: Hey guys just wanted you to know that this chapter is a little short and there is some abuse in it; sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. But I also wanted to say that the main reason I wrote this was that I wanted more Fuegoleon, Mereoleona, and Leopold content out there. This whole story is just me silently begging for other authors to write some fanfic's about these guys that are longer than one-shots. I know, pretty sad but hey I think fanfictions are a fun escape from reality and I hope all my readers think the same.)

"M-Mother.....?" I squeaked, I feel her dig her nails into my scalp. I couldn't move hundreds of thoughts ran through my mind, 'Why is she here? How is she here!?' I glanced around silently begging Aunt Leona to come out around the corner and take care of it, But she was gone.

I hadn't realized that I was shaking the longer she hugged me. She bent further down and whispered into my ear, "If you say anything I will ring your pathetic little neck." I look over her shoulder at Adallai who was asking a maid to get Fuegoelon, I was pulled from my gaze by a painful tug on my hair, "Do you understand?" I hesitantly nodded. I knew what she was capable of, but I couldn't let her do the same here.

She smirked and pushed my face into her shoulder, "Good, hug me back." I slowly raised my arms around her waist. "Now say you missed me." I didnt speak, but I couldn't when I opened my mouth nothing came out I could barely move, I then feel her tug on my ear, It felt like she was going to rip it off, "Say it. If you don't want a repeat of past events?" she sharply whispered.

I couldn't let her do it again, I know I've only known everyone here for a small while. But they are already important to me, I won't let her take them away from me. "I-I Missed y-you....." I choked out, forcing back the tears that were starting to flood my eyes. I not going to let my actions take everything away again, not this time. For now, I will play along until I can tell Leon, I just have to be patient.

Mother pulled away and held me by my shoulders, she had a loving expression that was opposite to my fearful one. "Oh no, what's with the face? You didnt think I passed, did you? I could never leave you to fend for yourself." This was confusing, normally I would be happy, this is how I always wanted my mother to act toward me. I wanted a loving mother who would help me and be there..... But this isn't that.

"Natsu, dear? How about I take you and your mother to your room. You both can wait there for Lord vermillion." Adallai chimed at us. Before I could respond my mother did, "Oh that would be lovely, it would give us a chance to catch up." Mother put her hands together her face holding that false look. "Of course, right this way." Adallai started to lead us to my room, I tried to stay in the hall but Mother gripped my wrist and dragged me along. She only spared a second to send a glare at me then nodded her head to Adallai, silently telling me 'If you slip up, that woman is next.'

I kept my head down and walked, Me and Adallai are not close but she was important to Leon. Adallai opened my door and let us in, "Wait here I have to see what's keeping Lord Vermillion." she smiled and closed the door behind us.

Mother's smile flew off her face the second the door closed. She whipped around and I felt a sharp pain on my face, the force was enough to topple me to the ground. "You useless child, Are you trying to ruin everything!?" she stomped over to me, not giving me a moment to get back up. She bent down and grabbed my ear and pulled it upward. I forcefully stand up. to stop the pain from getting worst I hold her hand as close to my ear as possible, hoping she wouldn't pull any further. "First you force me to kill my own parents now you want to take away the riches which are rightfully mine?" I look at her my figures still digging into her hand.

"What's rightfully yours? Didnt that Heath guy pay you!? WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT?!" She pulled more as I talked before finally letting go and pushing me down to the floor. "Pfft, he barely gave me enough, It's all gone. After that, I got word of a new member of the Vermillion family." she pause only for a second to sit on my bed. "All I could think about was how selfish you were for dragging your father into this. I thought if you're going to do that, might as well do the same." She layed down feeling the rich fabric of the blankets, "And if you squeal...Well, let's just say you will have a lot more than a dead father to worry about."

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