Chapter 1: Vermillion's Farm Life

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(Just a heads up, This is also on Quotev. Yes, I am the same author. No, this wasn't stolen. Please enjoy!)

Chapter 1: Vermillion's Farm Life




"WHAT!! Ya...I'm awake". A young girl, no older than 10, yelled back as she jolted up, lifting her head from the hay bail she had been using as a pillow. Rubbing her eyes she starts to see a blurry figure with their hands on their hips.

"Common now, Get yourself up you have work to do" The figure clears up to reveal an older lady, who looks slightly annoyed. Not that this was anything new.

"But Gramma, I didn't sleep well, give me a few more minutes," Natsu whined then flopped back down into the straw. She ran a hand through her short ruffled hair, trying to get rid of all the bits of straw, though it was all in vain as she was still laying in it. Her grandmother, Mary Hernest, just sighs and opens the stall then grabs the girl by the back of her short-sleeved shirt.

"It's not my fault you decided to sleep with the livestock. Now get to work; your grandfather needs your help." The older woman signs once again. Pushing the younger girl outside the front of the barn not before snatching a few pieces of straw from the girl's slightly curly vermillion hair and handing her an apple. "And get yourself cleaned up when you finish. We have to go to church today, I want you to look decent, and yes you're wearing your Sunday dress."

Natsu just grumbles and walks towards the field where her grandfather would be, taking a bite of the apple. " and yes, you're wearing your Sunday dress. Meh, meh meh meh." Natsu mocked her grandmother.

Upon looking up she sees a figure getting out of a fancy-looking carriage. Her eyes shine, instantly recognizing the figure as her mother, Marzia Hernest, "MOTHER!!" running over. The woman freezes as the young girl approaches, Marzia wore a face of disgust and distaste toward the small child.

"Mother, good morning, how was your night? I saw you leaving when it got dark and I-", "Go away you insufferable brat." the woman mutters just loud enough for the young girl to hear, the woman pushes past the girl. Natsu's smile immediately fell as she turned to watch her mother leave. This always happens, only, It was surprising that Marzia didn't completely push her to the ground.

"Don't worry about her," a voice sounded from behind. Startled, she whipped around "GRAMPS! You can't just sneak up on me like that!" Natsu screams at the older male, Charles Hernest, who only chuckles at her.

"Common Sue, we got some crops to harvest." her grandfather says turning to lead her into the field towards a Horse with a cart. Typical, he never was one to waste time, in fact, he liked to get things down as fast as possible so he could go right back to working on something else. A work-a-holic type of old man, who knew how to manage his time from the moment he woke at the crake of dawn to the second before he sleeps.

"Okay, you start here and we'll meet in the middle, Okay?" he said, grabbing a straw hat from the cart, and placing it on the child's head. "Can't have you getting sunburnt." he kidded. "M'kay....",

"Now, Sue, what's wrong," He instantly picked up on her sad mood, he had an idea what it was for, "you can talk to your gramps." the man turns towards her.

She turns away muttering that it's nothing, walking towards the first pair of tubbers grabbing ahold of it, and pulling.

"Now, I know it's nothing, common it's just you, me, and the horse in this field," He says as he joins, grabbing the set of stems next to her and pulling the potatoes with little to no effort. "And trust me, I doubt old Jock will tattle." He tried to lighten the mood once more. The girl gives another tug, finally pulling out her first root before signing.

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