𝟎𝟎𝟏 Prophecies Of The End

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing?" Tim questioned.

"Releasing her spirit from this place of evil," Rachel said simply. She lifted her hands, the green stone cracking and fading into petal-like shapes before turning a bright pink and gold and floating into the air. 

"Since when can you do that?" Cole asked, glancing between Rachel and his sister.

"I don't know," Rachel answered honestly. "My powers are back, but they're different somehow."

"Let's get out of here," Dick ordered after a beat of silence. He nodded back at Tim and they started to walk ahead. 

"Hold on," Conner called and everyone paused. Conner looked down at one of the symbols on the ground. "There's something down here." He knelt down carefully, his fingertips running over the large crack in the foundation. Conner reeled his arms back and punched through the floor with a heavy crack. He reached under the rocks and ripped his arms out, pulling a small industrial green box. He blew the dust off the lid before setting it on the table and flicking the lid open, showing the Lex Corp logo.

Dick and Cole stepped closer, watching Conner flick through different pages of an old-styled leather-bound book. Conner took a small letter and took the inner page before tossing the envelope away. Terran took the envelope, quickly reading the name on the front as Conner's. "It's from Lex," Conner revealed his eyes scanning over the pages quickly. "He must have planted it here to help us."

"Yeah, that sounds like Lex," Dick spoke up and Terran couldn't tell if he was kidding or not. 

"Why would Lex leave something here, of all places?" Kory questioned, looking between Dick and Conner.

"If you're reading this, my plan failed and May is as evil as I feared," Conner read aloud. "You must stop her. The book contains information only known by me. Give it to Richard. He claims to be a master detective, so let him detect."

"What else does it say?" Cole asked, trying to peer over Conner's shoulder more. 

"The rest is just for me," Conner said quickly shutting the letter and moving it from Cole's sight.

"He's lying," Rachel whispered to Terran but neither spoke on it. Conner picked up the leather book and held it out to Dick. Dick took a breath before taking the book from Conner. Once the book left his hands, Conner stepped past Dick and the other stepped closer to the centre of the table where Dick held the book under the small golden lamp.

Dick opened the book, flicking through a few pages before landing on one with a roughly sketched girl. Her curled hair and the flowers that grew with it were accompanied by a detailed bone crown. Terran snatched the book from Dick's hands and ran her fingers over the ink drawing the resembled her sister almost perfectly. "Lex knew about this?" Terran muttered. She turned the page, next revealing a sketch of a slim boy with lined tattoos a large bird and wild cat with him, then another of a man with a small rune on his forehead and on the opposite page, a small girl with horns. Terran flicked a few pages ahead to a double-spread page of alien-looking hieroglyphics, the letters sharp and slim.

"Can you read that?" Cole asked, looking between the book and Terran. 

"No. It's an ancient Veam, I think," Terran said, her fingers tracing the symbols. "Some is familiar but it doesn't match up to the symbol it would go with."

"Well, I definitely know someone who can," Dick said with a nod. 

"Then what are we waiting for?" Tim urged. He stepped around Cole and they started to make their way for the exit.

"Hey. Where's Conner?" Rachel shouted, stopping everyone for a moment. 


Dick led Kory, Terran and Cole through the hall of an old apartment building. The whole building's electrical system seemed to be out and the only light that had managed to make its way into the wooden interior was a cold blue light. Tim and Rachel stayed in the van and as sweet as it was that Cole and Tim had admitted their feelings, Terran could sense something was off between them as they said goodbye.

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