Sallbur- You're back!

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Wilbur grunted, shifting the pillow beneath his back. He sniffled a bit, wiping the tears off of his face and sitting up.

He missed Sally.

Not that she was gone per say.. she just had to go on a trip. A week long trip. Leaving her extremely pregnant mate alone, for a week.

Not only was he extremely pregnant, he was also extremely hormonal. And being alone was not helping much with that.

But today, he would be happy. Maybe not at the current moment, but later. Sally was returning today. But he still had to wait a few hours, and those few hours had felt like the longest hours ever.

He sat up in bed, and began crying once again looking at the empty spot next to him. Hugging his pillow he laid back down not wanting to get up yet.

His back hurt. His head hurt. His feet hurt. He was having bad cramps. He just wanted his fiance back home. Until then, he was miserable.

The pups missed her too. They liked to make that clear with their relentless kicking. All four of them.

With a huff Wilbur pulled himself out of his nest and onto his swollen feet. He was clinging onto the last blankets that still smelled of Sally's sweet salmon scent.(Wilbur gross 😔)

He walked to the kitchen grabbing some food and sitting down on the couch with another one of Sallys's blankets.

Relaxing for a few hours, he fed the babies in his tummy, took a bath, made some dinner for when Sally came home, and laid back down in his nest.

His back ached, he missed the way Sally would kiss against his neck and rub his shoulders and back until the pain went away. He missed the way Sally would put her face against his stomach and talk to the pups.  He missed the nights when his hormones would put him in a certain mood and Sally would be so gentle helping him.

Reminiscing about the good memories with his beloved wife, that's when he heard it. The sound of the front door opening. The sound of sweet relief.

"Wilbur? Pretty Boy, where are you? I'm home!"

If Wilbur could've run out there to the salmon he absolutely would've. But being as late into his pregnancy as he was, he definitely could not run. Or barely even walk.

"Sally!! I'm in the bedroom!" He yelled back.

Sally came to the bedroom as quickly as she could, running up to Wilbur and hugging him.

"Oh baby I missed you!" The salmon squealed,

Wilbur was now crying happy tears, damn hormones.

"Oh god, Sally you have no idea," he cried.

Sally grabbed his face and kissed him. And kissed him. And kissed him. SHe moved his hands down to cup the soft swollen skin of Wilbur's belly.

"I missed you guys too," she cooed, "So much.. Were they too much trouble for you darling? How've your cramps been? Better? Worse?"

"Eh, a little bit. My cramps have been getting worse.. They won't let up, I've been using the heating pad though." Wilbur sighed.

"I'm so sorry babe, you know I wouldn't have left if I had the option." Sally said in a gentle tone, hands shifting to care the stretch marks lining his hips.

"It's alright.. i'm just glad you're home." Wilbur buried his face into the older's shoulder.

"Me too.. Has your nest been messed up, you know without as much of my scent?" She asked cautiously.

"Hm? Oh, only a little bit. Been wearing your t-shirts around.. they smell a bit like you." The brunette mumbled.

"Pretty boy, you sound sleepy, let's get some rest and we can talk when you wake up. We can cuddle a bit and I'll make you some tea the way you like it later."

"M'kay.. Haven't been getting much good sleep without you," The boy sounded tired, exhausted, and yet still happy.

"Well let's change that now, how does that sound darling?"

"Mm- good."

Sally laid back, Wilbur nuzzling into him and closing his eyes. Sally shifted Wilbur into a spooning position and wrapped her arms around to cradle his baby belly.  The brunette was quickly asleep in his Wife arms, Sally following suit soon after.
715 words

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