"the battlefield aren't the best place to have a baby"

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War, one of of the most horrible things that could happen, the ruthless times where kids turn into soldiers and death is always ready to take you.

The war within the smp was getting worse with the days, alliances and betrayals here and there, you could never be sure of who is a freind and who's an enemy, everyone had their own dirty secrets.

But within the battlefields,Willbur had the most dangerous secret to keep, he had a very close relationship with Sally.

Surely if anyone were to find out Willbur would be executed with no hesitation, he'd be sentenced for treason and then, then what? Death, a slow and painful one.

Now, the story of how the two started was confusing, even when they were in the same team, no one could ever imagine them together.

How did it start? How could two enemies have fallen in love? Well, they weren't always enemies, they were once in the same team, fighting side by side, strategies and plans.

One time, they were late at night just sharing random thoughts and laughing and the next they were kissing, tearing the clothes of the other.

Since they started a secret relationship, one that got more risky with the time.

But no matter how big the risk was, they were happy, Sally made Willbur feel safe and loved and Sally had found someone to hold, protect and love in Willbur.

So they were ready to risk everything just to be a minute holding onto each other.


Lately something's off

Something has changed and it is getting on Sally's nerves

It has been a week or more since he saw Willbur for the last time.

It's starting to pass Sally off, no matter where Willbur goes or where he spies, there's no sign of his boyfriend, anywhere.

It was as if he suddenly disappeared.

A hundred thoughts ran in Sally's head, did something happen? Did he do anything wrong? Was Willbur okay? What if they had found out? What if he was dead?!

Okay, maybe he was freaking out, but there was something wrong, and he'll find out what, sooner or later.

And what better way than sending the "blobs" as some people called them, to spy and find out where Willbur was.

It would take two days and a half for them to come back with helpful information.

Apparently Willbur was hiding, still in pogtopia's territory, a little far from the others, but close enough to still be around.

A pretty mediocre hiding place, but Sally was grateful for it, now, to get Willbur back.

Inside Willbur's little house, Willbur was sleeping heavily, tired of all the work of the day and his own body getting weaker.

See, lately Willbur had been feeling tired, achy and nauseous, at first he thought it was nothing, a simple cold, maybe too much work, nothing special, but oh how wrong he was.

When the symptoms stayed and even got worse, he realised that it wasn't just a passing sickness, oh no, he was actually pregnant, for how long he wouldn't know, but it was just starting to show.

The news sent him into a panic spree. How was he supposed to hide a pregnancy in the midst of a war, while living with a bunch of people inside a ravine?

The best thing he could think of doing was slowly distancing from his teammates.

Thankfully there hasn't been any fights lately, but what would he do when he needed to fight? The baby only made him an easy target, now he can't run as fast as before and his body is weak thanks to it rejecting food. Sooner or later someone had to find out, so what is he supposed to do?

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