Chapter 1

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I was walking down my stairs, heading to the kitchen grabbing a peice of a brownie, dropping the brownie when my best friend comes running into the kitchen screaming" we going to go to a party tonight". I stand there staring at her "Is she crazy? I can't go to a party" then my wolf comes in  " Just go maybe we will find our mate finally" I growled at my wolf " sounds fun" she squealed and started walking out of the door "see you tonight" I huffed then headed back to bed.

My name is Cassandra, I'm 17 I haven't met my mate yet. When I was little me and my mom got kidnapped  from what I thought was my real dad, but this man posed as my dad and beat me when I was little then some rogue's attacked me so he decided that he will kill my mom for sport ever since then I've ran half of my life. I was suppose to go to my grandparents pack but I refuse to go so I been living with My best friend in the Dark Blood Moon pack.

I woke up again looking at my alarm clock 6pm" better get ready" I said to myself. I go to my closet and grabbed my black short tight strapless dress, grabbed my black heels then curled my long brown/black hair then put very little makeup on and headed down the stairs. I walk out in my front yard and see my best friend Maddie waiting in the passanger seat of my lambo, I hoped in the driver's seat "it's about time you get out here and girl your hot as hell"

We got to the party and maddie was squealing when she sees Cameron sitting waiting for her. I was happy maddie and cameron found out that they were mates they are so adorable together. I watched her race to cameron, I wished I found my mate. I parked my car and headed in the party. After an hour I've had enough drinks okay I had enough that I was drunk, I stepped to my left when I made eye contact with an tall muscular, brown hair, bright green eyes guy which his eyes turned into lust. He walks up to me" hey sweetheart follow me" I followed to a bedroom, he began kissing me all over me. He picked me up off the ground and pushed me up against the wall then on the bed, he started to kiss every inch of my body. He started to talk my clothes off but I got embarrassed I never have done this before " never hid anything from me babe" I smiled and let him do his thing. We began having more steamy make out session then ripping off my dress but didn't destroy it. Which I was glad that was my favorite party dress.

I ripped off his clothes and then throwing them on the floor, he went down father and father on me then he decided to tease me, I growled at him and then he finally pushed his big friend into me. That was the night I found my mate the night I lost my virginity to him. It was the best night I could ever have.

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