Chapter 3 - Social Interactions

Start from the beginning

I keep my eyes on the door as I wonder if Kiyotaka really is in class D. Maybe he just said that so it wouldn't be akward between us. Did he actually know who I was and was simply trying to start a converstation with me? No no no. I can't think like that, he obviously didn't know who I am and its unfair for me to make assumption like that. But then again...

As my classmates started entering the room, I didn't recognize anyone familiar. To my knowledge, I was the only one I knew who got accepted into ANHS. The newcomers were just ordinary: a boy with black hair and brown eyes, another one with red hair and a grumpy expression, a girl with pink hair and glasses, and a boy with brown hair and brown eyes. They seemed pretty insignificant to me.

Wait... the last boy had brown hair and brown eyes. Could that be Kiyotaka? Squinting for a better look I focus on the boy who was blending in as a regular student seemlessly. Oh it really was Kiyotaka, wow he really has his own way of blending in. He's getting closer, and it seems like he's deep in thought about something. I don't think he's noticed me, maybe greeting him right now would suprise him enough to break his poker face. Well its worth a shot.

Ai: "Oh Kiyotaka!" Kiyotaka gave me a quick glance and a curt nod, this guy really is something. He didn't even flinch from my sudden greeting, if I didn't know better I would have assumed he just didn't hear me.

He seems to be heading to the seat besides me, could we be seatmates? What are the chances, I might have someone I can talk to... But back to the task at hand, breaking Kiyotaka's poker face.

Ai: "Looks like we're seatmates!" I go in for a second attack and give him the biggest smile I can, the smile that I use to charm my fans. I'm sure this will at least make him break his compusre slightly...

He simply nodded and took a seat besides me. No reaction what so ever, its as if he didn't care about me! Wait, why do I care what he thinks about m-

Looking over Kiyotakas sholder I noticed a black haired girl moving towards the seat infront of him. She's the girl that was rude to us at the entrance of the school, the one who was causing such a big scene earlier. Of course its my luck that she would be in my class, her and her superiority complex. I've seen people like her, idols who were so overconfident that they didn't bother to acknowledge their flaws. They never made it far in the industry.

?????: "What an unfortunate coincidence."

It seems she's mainly talking to Kiyotaka, as expected. I seriously don't know why she's like this, its like she doesn't even care that I'm here.

Kiyotaka: "I guess we're in the same class."

?????: "Unfortunately." I agree

Kiyotaka: "I'm Ayanokoji Kiyotaka."

?????: "What do you think you're doing?" Did she really ask what Kiyotaka was doing? He's obviously introducing himself, and you should glad he's doing so. You've been so rude to him.

Kiyotaka: "Well if you must know, I'm introducing myself to a classmate."

?????: "Do I need to-"

Kiyotaka: "It would be prudent to do so."

?????: "Fine. My name is Horikita Suzune." Horikita? Could she possibly be related to the student body president? No theres no way, from what I heard in his speech the president didn't seem to have the arrogant attitude of Horikita. But the last names... I guess siblings can be quite different.

Ai: "Horikita-san, I hope we can get along with each other." I might as well try to get to know her a bit, as I will be in her class for the next few years. I give her my smile, once again hollow and empty. It's honestly quite pathetic, despite my dislike for her I maintain this false persona just so I could have a better life.

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