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Octavia's pov

I thought today would be a relaxing day. It's Sunday so I usually spend the day cleaning my apartment but when I got up today I noticed that my apartment hadn't looked like a trainwreck. So I pulled out my guitar and decided to work on a song of my own.

I sit and think about what vibe I want it to be. I'd been listening to alt-rock all day so decided to go with that.

I started with the instrumentals this time. The vibe it gave off was anger. So I took that and poured out all my frustration.

I hum a melody.

"...moving on if I'm ready or not." I sing out.

I keep humming the melody. Putting lyrics together is in my opinion the hardest in writing music. Sometimes it comes easy to me but sometimes it's not.

"And I can make everybody hate you. Almost as much as you hate yourself." I take a second to write down.

That line reminds me of the times Seth and I would get into arguments and he'd always call himself shitty whenever he was trying to guilt trip me. I fucking hated it.

"I hope you be yourself and lose your friends." I sing.

I write down more lyrics even though I might not use all of them. I close my eyes and play my guitar just feeling the beat. I can just imagine myself on stage. God, I wish I could do that

I love music so much. Like I've written music practically my whole life but I've never wanted to perform before. And maybe it's just me being petty but I would love it if the world got to hear how I feel about my ex and how shitty he really was.

"I hope you're haunted by all your regrets."

I'm really trying to pour my all into this song. I want how I feel about Seth to be felt when listening to this song.

"I hope they fuck you up inside your head."

I was always the type of person to never wish any bad on anyone but after Seth, my views did a complete 180.

"I hope you're miserable until you're dead."

And just as I'm about to finish up the song Michael is calling me.

"Shit. Hello?" I answer.

"Dude, are you good? We've been calling you for the past hour." I hear a bunch of honking like he's outside.

I put him on speaker and see that I have 15 missed calls and 45 unread messages.

"Shit my bad, I haven't been on my phone. What's up?"

"Well, we've only been sitting outside of your building for 30 fucking minutes."

"I told you we should've waited to leave until she answered." I heard Ashton say in the background.

"I'm so sorry I'll be down in like two seconds."

"Fina-"I cut him off as I hang up

I head downstairs to see all the boys waiting outside.

"I am so sorry," I snort, almost laughing.

"No, you're not," Luke said, his Australian accent being very pronounced.

"I was cleaning." I slightly lie.

They headed straight to the elevator and Luke pressed my floor button.

"When we get to your apartment better be spotless because if it's not I'll be pissed that we spent 30 Fucking minutes outside." Michael jokes.

"Shit," I mumble. Unfortunately, Ashton heard me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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