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a/n just wanted to say the order in which the songs are written in the book are not how they were irl so I don't want people in the comments like "they wrote red desert after they wrote best years" or whatever because I can't be bothered to look up the order the songs were written in

Octavia's POV

After Matt had told me to go home, my mood was ruined the entire day, so I called  Araya and she told me to go to her dorm room and wait until she gets back from class.

When she got back I told her about everything, from bumping into Calum to Johnson threatening my job. To say I was upset is an understatement, I was furious.

"I just don't know what to do, I want to work on this album but I don't want to work with a bunch of dicks." I spit as Araya watches me pace her room back and forth

"I say you do what you gotta do. Fuck those guys it's only three months then they'll leave. Tav' you're really talented and they want you, so do a good job and get it over with." Araya says as she throws her feet onto her coffee table.

"I don't know if I can last 3 months with someone who thinks they run the world. I mean dude thinks he's better than everyone else because he's rich."

"You can and you will. Think about it, if you finish helping them, Johnson and Matt might tell the management and that's an automatic raise."

"You think so?" I ask, unsure if I really want to work with them.

" I know so, 5 Seconds of Summer is one of the biggest bands you'll ever work with and once people realize you helped them write their 4th album, more big artists will be begging at your feet for you to help them." she stands up and grabs me by my shoulders.

I closed my eyes and let out a big sigh. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to work with these boys, I mean they didn't seem too bad, at least the one in the beanie didn't.

I make my decision to work with them but the second Calum wants to be a dick I'm leaving. But if he can keep his mouth shut then fine, I have no problem working with them.

The rest of them seem pretty nice, like Luke, I think his name is. He was there at the bar and he pulled Calum away from me before things escalated. I'm gonna have to thank him for that.

I flopped down on Araya's bed and buried my face into her pillow.

"Fine." she squeals in excitement. "But once I don't want to anymore I'm leaving. I don't care what Johnson says or how much Matt begs me to stay," I say sternly.

"At least try to stick it out, ignore whatever what's his name says, he obviously doesn't want you there but his mates haven't done anything wrong so do this for them, you know? They shouldn't suffer because their friend is an idiot." she has a point.

The others haven't done anything to prove they are like Calum, I'm not gonna strip them of this opportunity.

"I guess you're right." I sigh out once again.

"As always," she smiles proudly. "Anyways I gotta study for my midterms, you could stay but I won't be talking to you, you're distracting." she laughs.

I tell her I'll see her later and decide to go home, I have a lot to think about. A lot I'm going to say. I hadn't checked my phone since I left the studio so once I pull it out I see 3 text messages one from Matt and one from an unknown number.

UNLEARN // CTHOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora