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Octavia's POV

I'd say I was a very upfront person. I don't like to sugarcoat things, I'm going to tell you my opinion if you ask for it of course, but you wouldn't know that just by looking at me. I seem very shy, timid, and introverted. Sure, at first I am, but once you get to know me I'm not afraid to express myself unless you piss me off right off the bat and make a horrible first impression, because then, you get the bitchy-upfront-tell you how it is, attitude.

That's exactly what had happened on the night of Araya's 22nd birthday.

Araya and I went out to a club with a couple of her friends from school to celebrate, the night was going well until some cocky, rich, boy bumped into me and spilled his drink all over himself, then proceeded to blame me.

~Earlier that night~

Araya came over to my apartment to get ready. Her hair had been straightened down her back. She had worn a short dark blue dress that made her ocean-colored eyes brighter than normal. Her makeup was heavy but it looked good, the neutral eyeshadow was slightly hidden by the false lashes sitting on her lids.

As for me, my long black hair was curled and put in a slick back pony. I wore a bright red lace bodysuit paired with a tight black leather skirt, my makeup was similar to Araya's just a bit lighter.

"Are you ready?" Araya asked, grinning from ear to ear.

I put the last touches of my lipgloss on and turned to her. "Ready to get shit-faced? Hell yeah!" I replied.

She linked her arm with mine and we left the apartment, Araya said her friends would meet us at the club so we decided to walk there.

"I'm excited. I can't believe I'm turning 22, it's my last year of college." she smiles as we walk out of my apartment building.

"What are you going to do after you graduate?" I ask

We had never really talked about what was next for us after she's done with school, I mean I work at a studio as an amateur songwriter. There are many opportunities for me. She's never told me what she wants to do.

"I don't know, maybe move back home. I miss my family and my little brother," she adds

"California, huh? Gonna move back home and get all famous and forget about me?" I joke.

Me and Araya's friendship is one I'll never doubt. I trust her with my whole life and I know she'll never forget about me even if she did move across the country. We'd find a way to work things out.

Araya is the type of girl you just can't help but smile around, she's been there for me through one of the worst times of my life and has never judged me for it.

"You know I'll never forget you, I care too much." she pauses as we stop at a crosswalk and let the cars drive by. "Hey, maybe you could move out there with me one day when you become a famous writer? We could rent an apartment, I could job search while you live it up, and hang out with famous artists. Maybe you'll get invited to one of Halsey's parties."

"Living in Cali would be a dream come true." I sigh.

With my line of work, I don't doubt I'd at least stay in California for a while as I help artists write new music. I mean I can't stay in New York forever, I have to expand. My studio has buildings all over America. I could easily ask for a transfer to the Los Angeles location and work from there.

Just as I had expected, we arrive at the club in less than 10 minutes.

I think that's the perks of living in New York, everything is super close. I hardly ever have to take a cab or the subway. My apartment is within walking distance from work and since I graduated from school last year I don't really have to drive to campus. Plus every one of my favorite clubs or bars is really close. So if I'm drunk enough I could just walk home.

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