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Calum's POV

I look back at Luke after the door was slammed shut.

"You're kidding me right now." he groans as he pinches the bridge of his nose. "Calum we just got her to like us, you just had to screw it up, you're so lucky she's giving us another chance."

I furrow my brows "Just got her to like you? What are you on about?" I ask confused

The last time I checked she didn't like me, and for a dumbass reason might I add, she dug herself into this hole, if she hadn't bumped into me we would not be in this little predicament.

Why is everyone putting the blame on me? Genuinely, I did nothing wrong yet she yells at me. She tells me I think I'm better than everyone, the boys yell at me for throwing a big opportunity for us away. Why is no one telling her she's in the wrong?

"You, Calum, are an example of, not just yourself, but this whole band. And when you make a bad impression, we make a bad impression," he says waving his arms to gesture to us as a whole.

"What does that have to do with her?"

At this point, we are yelling at each other and don't seem to notice Ashton and Michael come in.

"Because of your actions, Cal, she has perceived thoughts about us, she thinks we're all assholes because you decided to take your bad day out on her, a mistake you made!"

"What do you mean a mistake I made?" I'm pissed, how is this my fault?

"You bumped into her Cal, you dropped your drink on yourself." Luke sighed

"I did-" I start to yell but get cut off.

"You did," Sierra speaks up. "I hate getting involved in arguments, but Cal, I watched the entire thing happen, you bumped into her, you spilled your drink on the both of you, she tried to apologize but you didn't seem to care. I let shit like this slide because you get over it, but you've been pissy for the past two days and it's getting tiring because you can't seem to put your pride to the side and own up to your actions, you're costing yourself and the band an album. Stop being a dick and be a decent dude, we all know you're a nice guy Calum but she doesn't know that and because she knows that these three hang out with you all the time she must think they act the same way. Which they don't so get your shit together Cal."

I look down and furrow my brows once more, I shake my head in disbelief. I cannot believe they are taking her. "What the fuck ever." I stand up heading for the door. "I'll see you guys in the mornin'." I slam the door and head into my apartment.

I can hear Ashton follow me out calling my name. "Cal, wait up man," he catches me at my door. "What the hell happened?" he asked

"That girl happened. She has been nothing but a burden, all she has done is ruin things!" I yell

I've never been so frustrated in my entire life, I feel like this one infuriating girl has turned my friends on me. The people I've been friends with since high school are choosing some girl's side rather than mine, I feel beyond betrayed.

"Cal, you aren't giving her a chance, she's actually really nice. And she's willing to work with us and help us. She could have said no just to spite you," Ashton tries to reason with me.

I'm not having this whatsoever, I just want to go to bed and hope that this is all some crazy dream,

"Ashton just go man like I said I'll see you guys tomorrow." I wave him off, going into my room just ignoring him.

"She's going to be at the studio at least try and pretend to tolerate her," he yells throughout my apartment.

I shake my head and noticed that Luke had forwarded her number to the group chat so we all had her number. I thought I might as well delete it because I'm never going to use it.

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