Chanyeol piled up some boxes in his bedroom, putting them up properly before he leaned up and sighed deeply, staring at her bedroom's door for a moment.

His sister was probably drowning in sorrow in the bedroom just next to his and, for Chanyeol, to just stand in there, made him feel like a horrible older brother who wasn't able to help his younger sibling.

He sighed and exited his bedroom, going straight to the kitchen, knowing that sometimes a person's sorrow after a bad day could be solved easily with a single can of beer. He opened the fridge and took two cans of the alcoholic beverage out, taking one for his sister and the other for himself.

He knew he wouldn't be able to solve all of his sister's problems with a single can of beer but, still, he hoped he could, at least, light up the younger's mood a little a bit, so that she wouldn't think so much about Jimin's marriage to her former boyfriend whom she had been dating before she started dating her, Lee Jeno, a Korean millionaire born to Chinese-Korean parents.

"Yo, Minjeong?"

He knocked on his sister's bedroom door twice, waiting for a reaction or a simple 'come in' from his sister.

However, all he got was deafening silence.


He opened the door and looked around his sister's room.


"...Oh fuck."

Jimin and Jeno just finished exchanging their vows.

But, what no one even noticed, there was one person watching it all from afar, hidden from all the other people, drowning in silence.


She was next to the door of the church, watching as the woman of her life exchanged vows with a man that surely, she didn't love like she used to love Minjeong. It hurt her a lot.

"If someone opposes this wedding, speak now or stay silent forever."

Minjeong wanted to speak, yell...she wanted to say something to make things stop right at that moment. She wanted things to finish up right at that moment.

But she couldn't.

She couldn't stop her from being happy.

If she tried to stop that wedding, it would be selfish.

She had to move on, and let her move on as well. Even if it meant hurt for her, Minjeong knew it was the right thing to do right in that moment.

But then...she remembered how, just days before, the chocolates she had ordered from Switzerland to offer had arrived at her home and, now, she couldn't give them to her.

She just...wanted to be with her.

Her throat just didn't colabore.

She went mute.

"Well, with the power God has given me, I now pronounce you husband and wife."


"You may kiss the bride."


When she saw Jeno and Jimin kissing...

...She felt numb.

Her world just crumbled down into pieces...

...and she couldn't do a single thing to avoid it.

Jimin and Jeno walked down the aisle, together, both smiling broadly. They looked like one of those happy couples from those romantic movies. It all seemed so fairy-tale-like, that Minjeong felt like she shouldn't interfere; almost as if she didn't even belong there.

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