𝟔𝟒 || 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐫

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I wake up next to Josie who's giving me a sheepish smile "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I start getting ready for the day "I think i like Derek."

Josie gasped "What? And no."

I put my blush brush down "You can't tell me who i can and can not like."

"He's dangerous!"

"I wish you were supportive like a best friend should be, He isn't dangerous i like hanging out with him." I shout at her.

"I am supportive of the right things Sage, Ace told me how stupid i was and i believe him."

I shake my head and i push her "Get the fuck away from me."

Josie stands there with tears in her eyes and i don't look because i know if i see her cry i'm going to start crying.

Derek waits in my drive way, I smile and get into his car. "What's wrong?" He asks me.

"Oh nothing, Don't worry about it." I sniffle then smile at him.

"I just want a good day you know? Let's have fun." I say with excitement.

"Of course." He put his hand on my thigh and started speeding the car.

I started getting nervous "What are you doing?"

"It's fun." He looked at me with a smile, He started speeding the car even more.

"Your going to crash!" I shout as i hold onto the sides of the car.

He stops the car and i almost fly out of my seat "Fuck that was scary." I start laughing and punch his side.

He laughs with me, He grabs his bag from the back and i watch him get a needle.

"What are you doing?" I ask him while knowing what he's doing.

He hisses as he pulls it out "Want some?"

I start getting nervous "I don't know." I nervously laugh.

"Don't be a party pooper." He said in a silly voice.

"Okay fine." I grin.

He puts it into my arm and i breathe in through my teeth as he pulls it out.

"Should you be driving while doing that..?"

"Fuck no." He chuckles.

We go into a parking lot and he gives me a pill "But we just-"

"Being careful is stupid." He tells me. He opens my mouth "Ahh." And closes it for me making me swallow.

I look at him with a smile "I'm glad i met you."

"Glad i met you too." He shakes my hand "And you got the tastiest pussy the worlds ever seen." He laughs. I start laughing with him.

He gets out of the car and stumbles "Where are you going."

"Where are we going." He corrects me.

We walk into a club with loud music where my head starts hurting "DEREK MY HEAD."

"ITS FINE." He dances with me.

"No.." I start getting dizzy "Can we sit down for a bit?" I whisper in his ear.

"Party Pooper." He chuckled.

I dance with him losing my breathe as he twirls me around. Derek himself starts to look un well "Are you okay?"

"Maybe we should.. Sit down for a bit, ONLY a bit." He tells me, He walks me over to the bathrooms and i sit on the sink desk and so does Derek.

"Derek i actually don't." I nudge him and he doesn't answer me.

I feel tired and dizzy, My eyes close on me and all i see is black and the noises in the background start to fade away.

I open my eyes to the sound of beeping sounds "What." I say under my breathe as i try standing up, Ace catches me as i'm about to fall.

Ace places me onto the bed again "I cant believe you did that."

"What do you mean?" I ask nervously.

"What do i mean? Doing fucking drugs with Derek, Now looks what happened. You almost died."

My eyes fill with water and they drop down my face "I didn't mean to, I didn't know what was happening.."

"They told me they didn't think you would make it." He looked up at me "And Derek didn't make it."

I sit in the bed in silence playing with my fingers "I'm sorry okay, You can go off to one of your girlfriend now." I wrap myself around in the blanket.

He closes the door "I have no girlfriends, You know this."

"I thought that when we were together." I sigh.

"This is the last time i'm going to say this, I never cheated on you or has any girlfriends wben with you but you." He says starting to get angry with my accusing.

"If that's true why did she kiss you?" I ask him wanting him to be honest.

"She liked me but i pushed her straight away.." He sighs "She was my doctor."

"Why would you be meeting up with your doctor? You weren't sick that day." I cross my arms confused.

He lets out a deep breathe "I had cancer and she was my doctor, She wanted to drop the medication off at that area and her excuse was so no one would see me walking into a hospital. Then she kissed me."

More tears flow down my face "You had.. Cancer?"

"Yes." He nodded "Why do you think i didn't leave the house for a long time after that unless i was wearing sun glasses and a beanie?"

I put my face in my hands and start crying more "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because i didn't want you to see me like that.. Know i was like that." He explains.

"Did Tate know?"

Ace nods.

"Are you better now?"

"Yeah, I'm better now. But this isn't about me, It's about you, Promise me you won't fucking take a drug again." He stood up towering over me.

I nod and cry as he cups my cheeks "I'm sorry Ace, I'm so sorry."

He doesn't say anything but stand there and wipe my tears with his thumb.

"Can you get into the bed with me?" I ask grabbing his hand.

He nods and gets into the bed, I put the blanket over us. I place my head on his chest "I was so angry and rude to you for so long when it was all my fault not yours." I say disappointed with myself.

"Shhh. Get some rest." He kissed me forehead.

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