Chapter 23 - The Best Housewarming Present Is Some Good Cock

Start from the beginning

"Was he?" Loki asked. You opened your eyes and met his gaze in the mirror. His lips were quirked up into a grin and he exhaled a beautiful laugh. "I'd like to meet him sometime."

"You can't," you sighed. "He's taken."

"Really? By who?" Loki questioned. He spun you out of his arms so you were facing him. You assumed the position of your dancing last night - your hand folded in his, your other hand on his shoulder and his free hand on your back.

"By me," you laughed as you two began dancing around your cluttered room. Loki easily lifted you over the piles of books and clothing strewn over the ground, making your waltz much easier. Loki lifted an eyebrow at your response and you shrugged. "We ran off this morning and got married just after you left to run your errand."

"I was gone for not very long. Must have been a short ceremony," Loki snorted. "Well, it seems you must get the divorce papers ready, for I think I'm going to have to steal you back and keep you all for myself."

"And just how do you intend to do that?" you challenged.

"Like this." Loki dipped you down, his hand on your back holding nearly all of your weight. His dark eyes glittered as his grin widened. And then, his lips were on yours - sweet, tangible love sinking into your mouth. You found your hands moving on their own accord into his hair to keep his head as close to yours as possible. His other arm found your waist and he continued to hold you in your dipped position, his feverish kisses making you feel all too warm in your robe. You whimpered against his mouth as you tugged on his dark locks. A growl escaped his lips and he pulled back. You caught your staggering breath as Loki licked his lips. "So, Princess, are you mine now?"

"Absolutely," you said breathlessly. Loki laughed and hoisted you back up onto your feet. You felt a bit dizzy from the intensity of his kiss so you continued to hold onto him for good measure. Also, you just enjoyed holding him. As Loki stood before you, you now realized that he was wearing a beautifully tailored suit - a simple black and white piece that had you salivating at the mouth. "Did you have fun running your errand this morning?"

"Indeed I did," Loki said. He waved his hand and you felt your robe slink off your body in favor of a black sundress. Flats appeared on your feet and as you looked back up, you noticed Loki holding his hand out. "Come on, I have something to show you."

"Does this have anything to do with your errand?" you asked as you interlaced your fingers with Loki's.

"Smart little kitten. Yes it does," Loki answered. With his hand in yours, he walked you from your apartment. He shut the door behind you and led you down two flights of stairs. He walked down one of the hallways and stopped in front of a door. Loki pulled his hand from yours and reached into his pocket. Pulling out a small green box, Loki's eyes locked onto yours. He reached the box out in front of him and shook it once. "For you."

You lifted one eyebrow but took the box anyway. You removed the gold ribbon from around it before popping the top open. Inside was a single silver key. You looked back up at Loki and he gestured to the door.

"Open it," Loki whispered.

"Alright," you said in a trembling voice. You inserted the key into the lock and pushed the door open. The apartment looked nearly identical to yours, except it was slightly larger and significantly unfurnished. You crossed your arms over your chest as you walked around the rooms. Loki stayed in the doorway, his eyes watching your every movement.

"Do you like it?" he called out when you returned to the hallway by the door.

"It's nice. It's rather spacious," you answered, tapping two knuckles against the walls. "I like the color of the walls."

Get On Your Knees and Pray to me By Shining Loki On AO3Where stories live. Discover now