Chapter 19 - Jealousy Is A Good Look On You

Start from the beginning

Loki shook his head as he strolled into the bathroom, but it wasn't long before you stumbled after him. He took you in the shower slowly, his tired body still waking up and your sore body needing the ease. You came with your lips pressed to his, the sigh of your name escaping his mouth as he filled you with his cum. He continued to wash you with his cock still in you, but it wasn't long before he lowered you to the porcelain tub and turned off the hot water.

The rest of the morning was a blur. You dressed in meager silence, putting on the most conservative clothing you owned for the sole purpose of covering the collection of bruises you had accumulated over the past two weeks. It was quite amusing finding the interesting spots Loki had managed to dot your skin and you honestly wondered when his hands or mouth had ever been in such places.

Loki fed you a light breakfast, grimacing when you mentioned you weren't hungry and rarely ate anything before going to work. Ignoring you completely, Loki managed to get you to eat one fried egg and a piece of buttered toast, though you left the sizzling bacon untouched. Once your breakfast was done, you stood at the front door as Loki put your coat on. His hands glided sensually over your sweater as he slipped your coat over your shoulders. He straightened the collar as he turned you around to face him. His fingers then trailed across the high neck of your turtleneck sweater and a gentle frown marred his face. You reached up and cupped his cheek.

"What is it?" you asked quietly, as if raising your voice any louder would disturb the odd sort of peace that rested in the hallway.

Loki's fingers pressed to the gem of your pendant which was hidden beneath the tan material of your sweater.

"You don't need to hide this," Loki murmured. "It is a symbol of your devotion to me."

"I know," you whispered. You shook your head back and forth, looking down at Loki's hand. "It just doesn't feel right to show it off. I like keeping it between us. It makes it a bit more intimate I guess. Special, you know?"

"Yes. I know." That is what Loki said, though it was not what he meant. Covering the bruises, he understood. Midgard was odd and prude in that sense and he did not want you to get judged once again. But the pendant...that was a symbol of his protection over you. The people of Midgard should kneel before you once they saw that pendant dangling from your neck. And yet, you hid it. You hid the adoration he held for you. It was that fact that had Loki shutting his mouth to stop himself from telling you he loved you that morning. Seeing the necklace hidden made him doubt himself. He was starting to become convinced that you had feelings for him, but now that his gift to you was shielded from the world, he was second guessing such thoughts. Still, Loki smiled and cupped your cheeks, leaning down to kiss you. It was a doting kiss, one that tried to tell you what he was feeling for you. When you pulled away, Loki swiped his thumbs over your cheekbones. "I will miss you today, kitten."

"I'll miss you too," you said with a sigh. "Don't get up to too much trouble today."

"Me? Get into trouble?" Loki scoffed. "Who do you think I am, darling? The God of Mischief?"

You laughed and wrapped your arms around Loki, squeezing him tightly. His arms wound around your waist and his face pressed to the top of your head.

"I'll see you in a few hours," you whispered into his sweater, probably designer.

"I will be counting down the seconds," Loki said as he pulled away to kiss you again. This kiss was quicker, both of you knowing that you were cutting your time a bit close to when you had to leave. When you regretfully pulled away, you stretched up onto your toes and pecked Loki's cheek.

"Goodbye, Loki," you said against his cheek. You pulled back and smiled at the blush covering his pale cheeks. You grabbed your bag and exited your apartment before you could be tempted to stay any longer.

Get On Your Knees and Pray to me By Shining Loki On AO3Where stories live. Discover now