Chapter 15 - Touching Yourself Should Be Considered An Art

Start from the beginning

Tears were welling in your eyes and Loki could not stand to see you cry. For a moment, he was worried he had overstepped. After all, it was becoming a bit hard to contain his feelings for you. But then, you tugged him down and kissed him so fervently and with so much heat that Loki's cock immediately hardened in his silk pants. Your hand unwound from his to pull him down further, your legs spreading beneath the blankets Loki had tucked you under. Loki's cock poked against your thigh and you pushed up against it, whimpers leaving your mouth and leaking into his. It took every bit of Loki's willpower not to tear the blanket off from on top of you and sink his swollen cock into your cunt. Your hand cupped his generous length through his pants, and with a gasp, Loki pulled away. Your hand froze as his forehead fell to yours, a chuckle escaping his lips.

"You are such a temptress," Loki laughed, pulling away to sit back on his haunches. You grinned and pulled the blanket down enough so your breasts spilled out. Loki pressed the heel of his hand to his cock and cursed.

"Don't you want me, Loki?" you asked with a giggle. You sat up on the bed, kneeling as you threw your arms around Loki's neck. You lifted a brow as you twirled a lock of Loki's hair around your finger. "Want to put another hole in the wall?"

"Dammit, woman!" Loki gasped as you pressed your breasts against his shirtless torso. "What have I done to you?"

"You've made me confident," you whispered, your seductive face softening into an expression more tender. "You've made me realize that...that someone could want me."

"You are so wanted, little one," Loki murmured. "But I did not do all of this. This was you. I introduced you to sex but you have been the one to truly take the reins."

"What do you mean?" you asked with a cute tilt of your head that had Loki's heart fluttering like that of a twelve year old boy.

"I may be the dominant one. I may be the one to push your limits. But you, pet..." Loki poked your chest lightly, " have told me what you wanted. You have shown me how ready you are for the rougher stuff. You are the one who radiates like an Asgardian summer sun. You are so divine. You have come out of your shell since I met you two weeks ago, sweet. I am so proud of you for taking this journey with me with an open mind."

"Loki," you whispered, burying your face in his neck. "Thank you for helping me."

"Thank you for letting me help you." Loki rubbed your bare back with one hand. He stroked along your spine and wondered what blessed thing he had done in order to get so lucky as to meet you. Loki pressed his nose into your hair and took a deep breath in, admiring your scent and your sweetness. When you finally pulled back, you were wiping tears from your cheeks. "Hush, pet. No tears. There is no need to cry."

"I'm just really happy," you sighed. You pressed a kiss to Loki's cheek. "Go take care of what you need to take care of. I'll be here."

"Yes, my dear. You need to sleep. I wish I could stay to send you off to dreamland," Loki chuckled.

"Will you stay if I let you watch me touch myself?"

Loki's cock sprung back to attention. He shut his eyes and groaned, peeling himself away from you slowly. Your hands traveled from his neck, down his arms, and to the front of his pants as he climbed off the bed. He inhaled and could smell the depths of your arousal staining the sheets beneath you.

"You will be the death of me, I am absolutely sure of it," Loki snickered. He grabbed your chin and leaned over you, a cunning grin growing on his face. "Save that idea for later, kitten."

Loki swooped down and kissed you. You moaned, whimpering against his mouth as he pillaged your lips. You reached back up to tangle your hands in his hair but Loki caught your wrists. He pulled his mouth away from yours and kissed your hands.

Get On Your Knees and Pray to me By Shining Loki On AO3Where stories live. Discover now