Chapter 2 - I'm Here...Now Touch Yourself

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Loki paused but did not turn around. He simply stayed still and faced the palace.

"Are you now?" Loki asked.

Odin made a noncommittal noise. "I am, Loki. Why would you go to Midgard and answer a mortal's prayer so...personally?"

"She needed my help," Loki grumbled, bristling. He turned to the side and gazed into the water that splashed and bubbled beneath the rainbow bridge. "Being the magnanimous god I am, I chose to indulge her."

"You must be cautious, my son. Putting your focus in one place does not bear well for a god of such widespread concern," Odin warned. Loki chuckled and faced his father. He continued to chuckle as Odin scanned him, and once the smile left his face, Loki nearly growled.

"You should know better than to tell me what to do, father," Loki purred. He strutted towards Odin, a complex and calculating look on his smooth, pale face. "You have given me this mantle. I will use it how I see fit."

"I am not telling you that you cannot interact with your worshippers," Odin said, which gave Loki a bit of an ego-boost. Worshippers. Yes, that was what you were. You worshipped him with your words, your hands, your fluttering cunt. Loki bit his lip trying to repress a pleased smile. Odin watched his son's attempt to hide a grin and sighed. "I am just telling you not to get too attached. It can lead to conflict. You must keep your attention divided evenly. This is your first time ever engaging so...intimately with any of your followers. I fear what may come of that."

"She is just a pet of mine. That is all," Loki said. "I appeased her wishes. Now if you'll excuse me, Odin Allfather, I have to go divide my attention evenly amongst my followers."

Loki spun around and stormed down the Bifrost before Odin could lecture him any further. He would not mention how he had claimed you as his. He would not mention that he gave you his pendant. He certainly would not mention he had already planned on visiting you again.


You had a restless night, to say the least.

Every time you closed your eyes, visions of Loki and his alluring, lustful words filled your mind. You tossed and turned, the ache between your thighs growing increasingly noticeable. You figured that would happen given the sheer size of Loki's...endowment. But it just served as a throbbing reminder of the man - the god - who was no longer between your sheets.

Your solace came from the necklace that hung around your neck. It was perhaps around 4 a.m. when you took the emerald pendant between your fingers, swiping your thumb over the gem, and wondering what this meant.

"You're mine," Loki had said. You shivered at the memory, lip tucked between your teeth, as you stared into the glowing eye of the green stone. You felt a comfort inside of your chest knowing that Loki didn't fuck you and then leave. Well, technically he did. But he promised to come back.


You chose to ignore the little voice in your head that plagued you with self-doubt. That irritating nagging was the reason you called for Loki in the first place, after all. Loki had quashed that voice, boot stomping on it and squishing it into oblivion as he ravished your body. For the first time in years, you felt good - so good. He gave you the attention and adoration you always craved. But now that Loki had come, cum, and then gone, the voice was slowly returning, taunting you with what-if's and but-how-about's.

He's a god, he said so himself. Why would he come back for you?

Well, you tried to reason, you had some pretty expensive jewelry on, for starters. If Loki ever wanted to see that again, even if meant to snatch it back, he'd have to find his way to you again. He also mentioned that you essentially rocked his world. Did he want to give up the sex that quickly? You knew that you didn't.

Get On Your Knees and Pray to me By Shining Loki On AO3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang