Sakura looked up at her, tears in her eyes "he's the only one I got, please don't let him take him from me" Sakura said breaking down. "Oh dear, no one is taking him from you," Mikoto told her coming over to hug her

Sasuke and Itachi who were standing near the kitchen heard them. "Well little brother, what will you do now" Itachi asks, but Sasuke just glared at him and walks away.

"Hmmm, this should be interesting, maybe a little push should do them well," Itachi thought walking away smirking.

Two days later Sasuke was in his office thinking when he got a phone call from Kakashi

"What is it now Kakashi?

-whoa, who pist you off!

-what the hell do you want Kakashi! I am busy!

-uhm okayyyy, well I was just telling you about the stocks for one of the companies just drop

Sakura growled out of frustration - Kakashi I will handle it later!

Sasuke hangs up the phone. Passing his hand through his hair, "What the hell should I do now" Sasuke thought staring out the window.

Just then there was a little knock on the door "Sasuke dear can I come in?" Mikoto asked.

"Yes Mother, come in" Sasuke replied, returning to sit down.

Mikoto opens the door "Sasuke have you not spoken to Sakura yet? Didn't you say her father would stop at nothing to get her under his control?" Mikoto asked.

Sasuke glared at her "Mother we already spoke about this, it's none of my business, she made her choice!" Sasuke said bitterly. "But Sasuke.." Mikoto started, but Sasuke cut her off "Mother just drop it!!!" he particularly growled at her.

"Sasuke Uchiha don't you pick up that tone with me mister!!! It's your own fault she left with Jake! Now instead of feeling sorry for yourself why don't you fix it!!!" Mikoto told him before walking out.

Growling out of Frustration Sasuke throws the stack of papers off his desk!! "Sasuke remember the conversation he had with Sakura "Sakura why don't you leave here with us, it would be better for Jake, and you can also work for one of our cooperate offices if you marry me then your father will not trouble you anymore, both you and Jake will be safe," Sasuke told her

"With all due respect Mr. Uchiha, I think I can handle my own affairs, besides I told you I would be leaving! And a deal is a deal you told me you would fly me out of here on your private jet!" Sakura replied. "Sakura that was before I find out Jake is my son! You are not taking him away from me!" Sasuke replied. "You— ahhh, fine! I will find my own way then! But I will definitely not contact you again!" Sakura replied before walking out of his office and out of Uchiha's mansion with Jake.

Sasuke's reminiscence was quickly cut off by a shape knock on the door further annoying him

"WHAT!!!!" Sasuke bellowed. "Excuse me, sir, sorry for disturbing but your father wishes to see you," Mindy told him. "Tell him I will be right there" Sasuke replied.

Meanwhile to Sakura who was entering her new hotel, when she spotted her father's bodyguards "shit! How the hell did they know where to find me!" Sakura thought hiding behind the corner of the building. "Mommy, what's wrong?" Jake asks his mother looking up at her. "It's nothing, buddy, how about we go to the park okay," Sakura said sneaking out with Jake.

Her phone began to ring looking at the caller ID she saw it was her father, she decline the call, but it soon followed up with a threatening text. [there is nowhere for you to run or hide that I won't be able to find you Sakura! You do as I say, if not, we will find you and your son, and you will never ever see him again, you have 24 hours]

Sakura knew she couldn't go to Ino and put her family in danger, and she couldn't go by her mother's family, then they too will be in danger

Sitting on the park bench Sakura hold her head in her hands, and sobbed "What the hell do I do?!" Sakura thought.

"Mommy? What's wrong? Please don't cry mommy, did I do something wrong?" Jake questioned her

"N-no baby, mommy is just sad, I-I" Sakura was about to say when the phone buzzed

[time is ticking Sakura, choose wisely, I have Mr daniel here, he is very eager to meet his future wife]

Sakura read the message and froze! "He will never leave us alone!" Sakura said with more tears rolling down her face.

"Fine, I will take the lesser evil then," Sakura thought as she dial the one person she said she would never call.

Sasuke was about to enter his father's study when his phone rang, sighing, he pulled the phone out of his pocket to see Sakura's name flash across the screen. Smirking he answered it

-hmm I thought you said you would never contact me ever again

-whatever, does your offer still stand? If it is meet me down at the courthouse in 30 minutes

Sasuke was about to answer but Sakura ended the call

"Hmm, okay Sakura we will play things your way... for now," Sasuke thought with a sinister smirk before pushing the door open and walking into his father's study.

 for now," Sasuke thought with a sinister smirk before pushing the door open and walking into his father's study

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Note: Thank you for your patience guys, Hope you guys like this part. As always your feedback is always welcome.

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