A special meetup and offer.

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Two months later.

Cue dancing with myself

It's late summer to early fall and Tristan was working in his auto shop when a guy came in when it was closing time.

Tristan: sorry but shop hours are over and if you want to schedule an appointment come tomorrow.

???: I'm not here for an appointment mr. Clark I'm here to make an offer for you.

Tristan: an offer for what racing? I'm retired from the sport so I can't go back to it since my doctor won't let me.

???: no not racing I mean something more.

Tristan: what do you mean?

???: I want to talk to you about your time in Peru.

Tristan: Peru. I wasn't in Peru I was in New York on business for my uncle.

???: yep you were but with my sources told me that you went to Peru with your friends that were not from here.

Tristan: well your sources are wrong i have been in New York for that month not once I left the country.

???: well these pictures that were taken from our satellite shows that a man fits your description and was no where to be found in New York but in Peru?

The man shows the pictures Of Tristan when he was in Peru and he saw that people were watching him and he had to warn his friends that they were in danger

Stranger: don't worry we aren't here to hurt you or your friends that helped saved the world kid burns told me about you and I want to use your kindness and talents to help America and her interests.

Tristan: what do you mean talents? You know burns.

Stranger: yeah I know him and he told me a lot about you and I knew you were your mothers son you are an almost spitting image of her and we need your expertise in anything ancient and old and your experience in mechanical engineering.

Tristan: you knew my mom?

Stranger: yeah kid. I did know her for a long time I worked with her and if you want to know more about what she did I can tell you. Cause I know that what happened to your mother was never an accident.

Tristan: what do you mean by not an accident and who are you anyway?

                         Val Kilmer as Duke

Duke: the name is duke and I want to bring you into our history division in our special mission force

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Duke: the name is duke and I want to bring you into our history division in our special mission force

Tristan: I don't want to work far from home mr. Duke.

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