Protect the key another one bites the dust

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The next day when everyone was asleep Elena woke up and heard something and when she looked she sees airazor feeling weird.

Elena: Are you okay? Airazor?

Airazor: (trying to resist the corrupted) I can feel Scourge! He's... (fully corrupted) in my mind!

(horns sounding)

Optimus Prime: Run, Elena!

Optimus Primal: No!

Optimus Primal: Airazor...

Optimus Prime: They found us! Everyone, defensive positions!

Optimus Primal: Noah, guard the key. Take Elena and find someplace safe to hide. We must protect the humans!

Nightbird: Miss me?

Mirage: Noah! Elena! Get out of here!

Noah: We have to destroy it!

Elena: Noah!

Optimus Prime: No! Don't. I know you want to protect your people, but if you destroy that key, our home will be lost forever. We do not have to choose!

Optimus Prime: Please, Noah...

When both Elena and Tristan walked toward the key Tristan told her to put it in his bag and then airazor grabbed Elena and flew off with her.

Optimus Prime: Elena!

Optimus Primal: Elena!

While primal chased off after her Tristan went to the village and asked one of the villagers for a motor bike and one of them the teen gave him the bike and he started the engine and drove off and nightbird sees him going the other way

Tristan: hey you oversized rust bucket you couldn't hurt a breaker unit if you tried

Cue another one bites the dust by queen

Scourge: where is the key human?

Elena: I don't know where it is?

Nightbird: scourge the human male has the key

Scourge: go get him and bring him to me.

Nightbird: understood.

Then Optimus primal sees scourge and the possessed airazor and was read to get Elena before scourge laughed.

Scourge: (laughs) Wait, wait, didn't I kill you already?

Optimus Primal: (roars) No! I'm the Maximal that's going to rip out your spark!

Scourge: We'll see about that. (to Airazor) Kill them!

Elena: Airazor, no!

Airazor: (trying to resist the corruption) I can't hold it back much longer.

Optimus Primal: Fight it, Airazor!

An adventure of survival ( Rise of the beasts male oc insert)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora