4 years later vacation to new york

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Que vacation by the gogos

Years later 1994 Brooklyn New York

Tristan was getting up from his seat when his flight landed in New York and he was doing some business with his uncle going to see the new parts that were being made for them for his auto shop in New York and they wanted to know if they work or they don't since Tristan's uncle was backed up on work since he retired from being a crew chief in motor sports in 1990 he just wanted to get back into his shop and fix cars and Tristan joined him.

Tristan: alright let's get this over with and I can just enjoy my time in New York for the whole month.

When Tristan arrived to his hotel room he called his uncle that he made it to New York and he is going to rest for the day and get on to work tomorrow.

Ring ring ring.

Uncle Ron: hello?

Tristan: hey uncle Ron

Uncle Ron: Tristan it's 3:00 in the morning why are you calling so late?

Tristan: I am just telling you that I landed in New York and I'm safe.

Ron: ok good call me when I'm not trying to sleep call me at 11 am over there I'll be in my office at 8:00

Tristan: ok you have a good night uncle Ron.

Ron: good night Tristan.

After his talk Tristan was going to take a nap and go and see queens and Brooklyn later and if it was still light out he would go and check on the parts for his uncle before they ship out to his shop.

Tristan was walking and he put on his headphones and played somewhere over the rainbow by iz.

Tristan was walking around New York and was amazed how this city looked and he first visited the World Trade Center and the Empire State Building after he was mesmerized by the architecture from early 20th century. Tristan went to get some pizza for lunch and who can't go wrong with New York style pizza.

Cashier: that will be 3 dollars for 2 slices of cheese pizza and a coke.

Tristan: ok here you go.

Cashier: thank you and have a good day.

Tristan: thank you and you too.

When Tristan left the pizza parlor he was eating two cheese slices of pizza and drinking a coke he was enjoying New York and the pizza was delicious better than San Francisco pizza. He was enjoying sightseeing in New York and when he checked the time he saw it was 4:00 and he thought it was a good time to go to the dealership and check on the parts that his uncle had ordered last week he was going to check if the parts are ready to go and be in California at the end of the month. Tristan arrived to the shop and he went inside and was waiting for the owner to come out and he sees the owner and he walks up to him.

Owner: oh mr. Clark I thought your uncle would join you today?

Tristan: he was but he canceled last minute a lot of paperwork for him and he can barely keep up with the customers so he sent me here on his behalf and to see if everything is fine.

Auto part owner: ok you want to check if I got all of your uncle's order and we go over the paperwork of sending these items from overseas to California.

Tristan: yes lets start now

After checking all the boxes of parts that his uncle had bought he thought they looked good and he went to the dealer and signed off on them and he was done and he would enjoy his month in New York and try to get his mind off of everything that happened to him a long time ago.


Doctor: I'm sorry Mr. Clark do to your severe dislocated shoulder and fracture of your lower spine you may never race again.

Tristan: what?

Doctor: you heard me correctly you may never race again and your body can't take it anymore let alone drive a sport racing vehicle that goes 200-300 mph. You have to be forced into early retirement.

Flashback end....

Tristan was lost in thought and he put on his headphones and he heard the part of baby come back by player but he skipped the tape and was listening to beat it by Michael Jackson. On his way back to his hotel room.

When he got back to his hotel room he turned on the television and just started watching the new Jurassic Park film that was airing it on was one of the biggest films of last year so he started to watch it.

After the movie finished it was playing one of the best action films of this decade people said it was better than the first one he then started to watch terminator 2 judgment day directed by James Cameron and after the first 45 minutes he fell asleep at 12:00 midnight.

Chapter 2 done even though it's short I just wanted it to show Tristan's perspective on being in New York for the first two days and then for the entire month will get to meeting the autobots later on soon but now it's just Tristan going on business with his uncle and reminiscing what happened to him? So hope you liked it, sorry to chapter 3 and right now I'm gonna finish it later and maybe next week and send it out and chapter 4 as well. See you guys on the flipside till all are one.

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